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Affirmative Action Policy Statement of the Freedom of Information Commission
The Connecticut Freedom of Information (FOI) Commission recognizes the need for affirmative action in all of its employment activities and is committed to the policies and procedures that promote equal employment opportunity.  Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity have been established as immediate and necessary objectives of the FOI Commission.
It is the policy of the FOI Commission to actively engage in affirmative action in order to achieve equal employment opportunity.  “Affirmative Action” is a program of positive action to overcome the present effects of past practices, policies or barriers to equal employment opportunity and to achieve the full and fair participation of all protected groups found to be underutilized in our work force.  “Equal Employment Opportunity” is the employment of individuals without consideration of race, color, religious creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, mental retardation, genetic information, learning disability, physical disability (including blindness), present or past history of mental disability, or criminal record.
To meet the objectives of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, the FOI Commission has prepared an Affirmative Action Plan, the ultimate purpose of which is to overcome the present effects of any past policies, practices and barriers to equal opportunity in employment with this agency.  In addition, the Affirmative Action Plan will also serve as a means by which discrimination may be eliminated and prevented. Thus, by its Affirmative Action Plan, the FOI Commission intends to ensure equality at the FOI Commission, avoid discrimination - both intentional and inadvertent - and develop a workforce that is representative of the population as a whole.  
The agency will use affirmative action measures in all stages of the employment process, including, but not limited to, recruitment, hiring, training, performance evaluations, promotion, and retention.  All services and programs, including education and training programs, shall be provided in a fair and impartial manner and shall be open to all qualified persons.
In accordance with its Affirmative Action Plan, the FOI Commission, will continue to:
Final Decisions Seek out qualified staff members and provide specific counseling, training and special 
    opportunities for advancing to their fullest potential;
Final Decisions Post position openings and exam announcements so that present staff members may be 
    informed of such openings;
Final Decisions Recruit, hire and train persons at all job levels on the basis of merit and consistent with the
    principles of affirmative action.  Recruitment sources of all types will be utilized with particular
    emphasis on sources of protected group members;
Final Decisions Evaluate tests and job requirements in terms of actual entry-level responsibilities so as to open
   the system to those whose experience may have been limited due to discriminatory practices;
Final Decisions Ensure that all personnel actions, such as compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, training 
   and educational opportunities, tuition assistance, or any other benefits will be administered to
   all persons equally and consistent with the principles of affirmative action.
Final Decisions Require all supervisory personnel to fulfill their obligations under the plan and ensure that
   evaluations of their performance with respect to personnel decisions and actions reflect the 
   fulfillment of their affirmative action obligations.
Final Decisions Provide its services and programs in a fair and impartial manner.
The FOI Commission understands the hiring difficulties experienced by minorities, people with disabilities and by many older persons; and where appropriate, will set program goals to achieve the full and fair utilization of these persons in the work force. 
A list of all federal and state constitutional provisions, laws, regulations, guidelines, and executive orders that prohibit or outlaw discrimination is included in this Plan and attached as Attachment A.  In accordance with these requirements, no person or facility of this agency shall be used in the furtherance of any discriminatory practice nor shall the FOI Commission become a party to any agreement, arrangement, contract or plan which has the effect of sanctioning discriminatory practices. 
The FOI Commission also has policies prohibiting sexual harassment and violence in the workplace.  Such policies are contained in the FOI Commission’s Policies and Procedures Manual, maintained in our business office.  A copy of any of the policies or procedures is available upon request.
The FOI Commission has designated Kathleen K. Ross as Affirmative Action Officer.  She is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of the plan and for coordinating the efforts of all staff in ensuring it is carried out.  She can be contacted at:  18-20 Trinity Street, Suite 100, Hartford, CT 06106; telephone: 860-566-5682 ext. 3947; fax: 860-566-6474; email: kathleen.ross@ct.gov
As appointing authority, I am committed to achieving these goals as set forth within the timetables of the Affirmative Action Plan.
_____________________________________                      _______8 \ 31 \ 09___
Colleen M. Murphy                                                         Date
Executive Director and General Counsel
Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission