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2002 First Prize Essay Winner!
Tait Nielsen CFOG FOI
     The Housatonic Valley Association, is a non-profit, land trust organization based in Cornwall, Connecticut. The HVA is dedicated to the preservation of the natural beauty of the land along the Housatonic watershed and the Freedom of Information Laws play a big role in their efforts.
     The HVA acquires grants from landowners giving the HVA the development rights on that land. The value of the land is significantly decreased because development is prohibited, but the landowner receives a tax deduction. You might be asking what a watershed group could use the Freedom of Information Laws for. The group needs records of all the land they have the rights to and all of the previous owners of the land. If the land is sold they need the deed of the sale to the new owner so that they can contact him or her and make sure they abide by the original agreements.
     I have done some work for the HVA and it included trips to the local town hall. We were writing what they call a baseline report, which includes information about the history of the land, the purchase price, the previous owners, its value to the scenic environment and if it has any special terrain or plant and animal species that we should know about. With the Freedom of Information Laws I was able to walk into the town hall and right into the vault containing all the records of the town. I didn't need to give my name and there were no questions asked. I was able to search through the land records to find detailed surveyors maps and look at the land records books which had every deed ever written in the town of Cornwall. I was able to make copies of the books and was not charged an outrageous fee.
     Without the Freedom of Information Acts the Housatonic Valley Association might not be able to aptly protect the land they own. They would have much more paperwork to go through, which would take away from the actual business that they set out to do; to protect land from development and urban sprawl. The Freedom of Information Acts indirectly help us protect the natural beauty of Connecticut, which every citizen cherishes.
2002 Second Prize Essay Winner!
Stephanie O'Neil
Bristol Central High School 480 Wolcott St.
P. O. Box 700
Bristol, CT 06011-0700
     Residents of Connecticut have definitely benefited from the state's freedom of information laws. These laws have made citizens more aware of everything that has gone or will go on in Connecticut. These laws have definitely put to rest the old clich6 of "ignorance is bliss". If our society did believe in that fact these laws would not even be in existence.
     Legislature like Meghan's Law, mandates that convicted sex offenders register with the state. From there, profiles of the offenders including name, address, and pictures are posted on the Internet. These sites are readily available, and easily accessible to anyone. Because of these sites, concerned citizens know if a sex offender is living in their city, or even next door. Freedom of information allows people to protect themselves. The more they know, the safer they can be.
     The more informed someone is, the better decision that person can make. Just recently in Bristol, there was controversy over whether or not a chemical storage plant should be placed near a residential neighborhood. The 45,000-gallon tank was to contain poisonous chemicals, and would be located outside in the open. Because of the Freedom of Information laws, citizens were able to gain access to town hall minutes, as well as reports and studies on the chemicals that would be contained in the tank. In the end the citizens made the correct decision in voting down the proposal of the tank.
     Our government was formed on the basis that it was a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." How can the government be for the people if the people are not allowed to know its goings on? The Freedom of Information laws has helped citizens to help themselves in making their government better. The more informed the people are, the more the government can help. Its time for citizen to take off their blinders, and to get involved in their own government. Too many people complain that nothing gets done, yet when their name is called, refuse to contribute. These laws enable residents to contribute to their government, and in the end make their government better for themselves.
     The Freedom of Information Acts has helped citizens greatly. They are no longer barred from knowing what goes on behind the once closed doors of government policy. Information can now easily flow both ways; from the constituents to their representatives, and vice a versa.
2002 Third Prize Essay Winner!
Matt Chapin
     The residents of the state of Connecticut have benefited by the state's freedom of information laws. As a result of the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut citizens possess the legal right to access public agency records and participate in meetings. This document is inclusive of state and local government agencies, boards, institutions, departments, commissions and other committees. Administrative records are available from the executive, administrative or legislative offices as well as the judicial branch. Private organizations may have to offer records if requested.
     The Freedom of Information Act enables citizens to maintain a watchful eye on government activity. With the legal right to access records, residents of Connecticut force the government to act in a more responsible manner. Public meetings allot for the chance to participate or at the very least observe the action a government-funded establishment is performing. Public meetings ensure that the community may influence their activities. The minutes of each agency's meetings are public record. The ability to acquire these files allows Connecticut residents to understand the action taken by each agency. Other files and records are open to the public, which allows research to be freely conducted. Researched may include reporters who have often exposed scandals and helped to alleviate corruption.
     It is vastly important that when one is denied access they may appeal to the Freedom of Information Commission. This commission serves a preventative measure to avoid unauthorized suspension of access. The Freedom of Information Act also allows for a record of each arrest. This will expose the name and address of the arrested as well as the offense, date, time, and place of the crime. By gaining such knowledge, Connecticut residents may rest assured that they are capable of learning information involving the activities of their neighbors. Also, significant in the Freedom of Information Act is that contracts of employment with the state are public record. This prevents corruption in the bidding process of jobs and allows such scandal to be exposed.
     The Freedom of Information Act is indispensable due to its ability to check government activity. By holding such action to public scrutiny, the government will ideally act in a more responsible manner. The Freedom of Information Act allows Connecticut residents to assume a greater level of ease with the government and its use of tax dollars.