Thank you to everyone who made our annual FOI Conference a success. Missed the program? Click here to watch the CT-N broadcast

TO:                 Freedom of Information Commission

FROM:            Thomas A. Hennick

RE:                 Minutes of the Commission’s regular meeting of February 8, 2017

A regular meeting of the Freedom of Information Commission was held on February 8, 2017, in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut. The meeting convened at 2:17 p.m. with the following Commissioners present:
             Commissioner Owen P. Eagan, presiding
             Commissioner Jay Shaw (participated via speakerphone)
             Commissioner Jonathan J. Einhorn
             Commissioner Lenny T. Winkler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Also present were staff members, Colleen M. Murphy, Mary E. Schwind, Victor R. Perpetua, Tracie C. Brown, Lisa F. Siegel, Kathleen K. Ross, Valicia D. Harmon, Paula S. Pearlman, Cindy Cannata, and Thomas A. Hennick.

The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Commission’s regular meeting minutes of January 25, 2017.

Those in attendance were informed that the Commission does not ordinarily record the remarks made at its meetings, but will do so on request.
The Commissioners unanimously voted to add consideration of the Hearing Officer’s Report #FIC 2016-0148 to the agenda.                      

Docket #FIC 2016-0148         Raymond Cerilli v. Chairman, State of Connecticut, Board of 
                                            Pardons and Paroles; and State of Connecticut, Board of

                                            Pardons and Paroles
Raymond Cerilli participated via speakerphone. Assistant Attorney General Neil
Parille appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve
the Hearing Officer’s Report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.

Docket #FIC 2016-0297         Ian Cooke v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department
                                            of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction

The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.
Docket #FIC 2016-0139         Ronald Mercado v. Chief, Police Department, City of Bridgeport; 
                                            Police Department, City of Bridgeport; and City of Bridgeport
Ronald Mercado appeared on his own behalf. The Commissioners unanimously voted to
 approve the Hearing Officer’s Report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.

Docket #FIC 2016-0248         Friends of Ryan Park, Inc. v. Chairman, Mayor's Ryan Park 
                                            Advisory Board, City of Norwalk; Mayor's Ryan Park Advisory Board,
                                            City of Norwalk; Norwalk Redevelopment Agency, City of Norwalk; 
                                            and City of Norwalk
Attorney Daniel Cooper appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners
 unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report. The proceedings were recorded

Docket #FIC 2016-0352         Lisa Bovee v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of
                                            Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of State Police;
                                            and State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Services and  Public
                                            Protection, Division of State Police                               
The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.              

Docket #FIC 2016-0382         Kevin Brookman v. Superintendent of Schools, Hartford 
                                            Public Schools; and Hartford Public Schools
The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.

Docket #FIC 2016-0504         Valeka Clarke v. Chairman, Juvenile Review Board, City of
                                            Middletown; Juvenile Review Board, City of Middletown; and City of
Valeka Clarke appeared on her own behalf. Attorney Christopher Smedick appeared
on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing
Officer’s Report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.

Docket #FIC 2016-0505         Valeka Clarke v. Superintendent of Schools, Middletown 
                                            Public Schools; and Middletown Public Schools
Valeka Clarke appeared on her own behalf. Attorney Christopher Smedick appeared
on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing
Officer’s Report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.
Docket #FIC 2016-0507         Valeka Clarke v. Chief, Police Department, City of Middletown;
                                            Police Department, City of Middletown; and City of Middletown
Valeka Clarke appeared on her own behalf. Attorney Christopher Smedick appeared
on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing
Officer’s Report. The proceedings were recorded digitally.

Docket #FIC 2016-0558         Susan Cusato v. Director of Human Resources, State of Connecticut,
                                            Southern Connecticut State University; and State of Connecticut,
                                            Southern Connecticut State University

The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.               

Docket #FIC 2016-0622         Craig Minor v. Kenneth Cockayne, Mayor, City of Bristol; 
                                            Common Council, City of Bristol; and City of Bristol
The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.

Docket #FIC 2016-0632         Lauren Sievert, Mike Savino and the Meriden Record
                                            Journal v. Chief, Police Department, City of Meriden; 
                                            Police Department, City of Meriden; and City of Meriden
Lauren Sievert appeared on behalf of the complainants. Attorney John Gorman
appeared on behalf of the respondents. The Commissioners unanimously voted to table the
matter until the next meeting. The Commissioners unanimously voted to rescind the motion to
table. The Commissioners unanimously voted to return the matter to the Hearing Officer for
further review. The proceedings were recorded digitally.

Docket #FIC 2016-0657          Janice Butler v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, 
                                             Department of Consumer Protection; and State of Connecticut,
                                             Department of Consumer Protection
The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.
Docket #FIC 2016-0660         Christy Gilbert v. Chairman, Durham Middlefield Interlocal Agreement
                                            Advisory Board; and Durham  Middlefield Interlocal Agreement
                                            Advisory Board                                                               
The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.

Docket #FIC 2016-0664         Douglas Fleming and Kevin Brolin v. Mayor, City of Middletown;
                                            and City of Middletown
The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.
Docket #FIC 2016-0675         Devon Pleau v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of 
                                            Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.

Docket #FIC 2016-0695         Louise Czar v. Edward Brown, Chief, Bantam Fire Company;
                                            and Bantam Fire Company
 The Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the Hearing Officer’s Report.
The Commissioners unanimously voted to add to the agenda a discussion of its final decision in Docket #FIC 2015-147, Marissa Lowthert v. Bruce Likly, Chairman, Board of  Education, Wilton Public Schools; Christine Finkelstein as Member, Board of Education, Wilton Public Schools; Chris Stroup, as Member, Board of Education, Wilton Public Schools; Laura Schwemm, as member, Board of Education,Wilton Public Schools; Glen Hemmerle, as member, Board of Education, Wilton Public Schools; Lory Rothstein, as member, Board of Education, Wilton Public Schools and Wilton Public Schools. The Commissioners unanimously voted to reconsider their final decision in the matter and to fully consider any jurisdictional and substantive issues.

 Victor R. Perpetua reported on pending appeals.  
Colleen M. Murphy reported on legislation and the Governor’s 2017 budget proposal.

                                                    The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Thomas A. Hennick
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