The Freedom of Information Commission annual conference is returning on Friday, October 25th. Please click here for more information or to register. 2024 Freedom of Information Annual Conference

AGENDA - September 24, 2015, Regular Meeting 2 p.m.
1.  Consideration of the minutes of the Commission’s regular meeting of September 9, 2015.
2.  Consideration of the following Hearing Officers’ Reports:
Andre Gill v. Dora B. Schriro, Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of Scientific Services; and State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of Scientific Services
Andre Gill v. James R. Gill, Chief Medical Examiner, State of Connecticut, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner; and State of Connecticut, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Bradshaw Smith v. Craig Cook, Superintendent of Schools, Windsor Public Schools; Ronald Eleveld, Michaela Fissel, Darleen Klase, Leonard Lockhart, Richard O'Reilly, Paul Panos, Melissa Rizzo Holmes, Cristina Santos, Kenneth Williams, as members, Board of Education, Windsor Public Schools; and Board of Education, Windsor Public Schools
Jonathan LaFrance v. Principal, Frenchtown Elementary School, Trumbull Public Schools; and Trumbull Public Schools
Arthur Smith v. Town Clerk, Town of Mansfield; and Town of Mansfield
Marie Geelan v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Rehabilitation Services; and State of Connecticut, Department of Rehabilitation Services
Dawn Fortunato v. Chairman, Board of Commissioners, Housing Authority, Town of Greenwich; Board of Commissioners, Housing Authority, Town of Greenwich; and Town of Greenwich
A. Paul Spinella v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
Kenneth Krayeske v. President, Court of Common Council, City of Hartford; Court of Common Council, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford
Mark Dumas v. Joseph Kubic, Chairman, Town Council, Town of Stratford; Town Council, Town of Stratford; and Town of Stratford
Mark Dumas v. Chariman, Town Council, Town of Stratford; Town Council, Town of Stratford; and Town of Stratford
Douglas Gilmore v. Chief, Police Department, Town of Stratford; Police Department, Town of Stratford; and Town of Stratford
3.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Tony Hwang and Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-767.
4.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Richard Smith and Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-768.
5.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Kim Fawcett, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-772.
6.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Robert Kane, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-773. 
7.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Joe Welch, Prasad Srinivasan, Brenda Kupchcik, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-776.
8.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Rob Sampson, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-777.
9.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Sean Williams, Bill Aman, Joe Markley, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-778.
10.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Sean Williams, Scott Frantz, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-779.
11.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Len Fasano, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-780.
12.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Scott Frantz, Sean Williams, John McKinney, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-784.
13.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Kevin Kelly, Bob Sampson, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-785.
14.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Bill Aman, Sean Williams, Joe Markley, Brenda Kupchchik, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-786.
15.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Representatives Ackert, Alberts, Aman, Bacchiochi, Belsito, Betts, Bolinsky, Cafero, Buck-Taylor, Camillo, Kandelora, Carpino, Carter, Case, D'Amelio, Davis, Floren, Frey, Giegler, Guiliano, Hovey, Hwang, Klarides, Kokoruda, Kupchick, Labriola, Lavielle, LeGeyt, McGorty, Miller, Miner, Molgano, Noujaim, O'Dea, O'Neill, Perillo, Piscopo, Rebimbas, Rutigliano, Sampson, Sawyer, Scribner, Shaban, Simanski, Smith, Srinivasan, Walko, Williams, Wood, Yaccarino, Ziobron, Zupkus, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-787.

16.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Brenda Kupchick, Marilyn Giuliano, Christie Carpino, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-788.
17.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Tim Ackert, Mike Alberts, Bill Aman, Penny Bacchiochi, Sam Belsito, Whit Betts, Mitch Bolinsky, Larry Cafero, Cevilia Buck-Taylor, Fred Camillo, Vin Candelora, Christie Carpino, Dan Carter, Jay Case, Anthony D'Amelio, Christopher Davis, Livvy Floren, John Frey, Janice Giegler, Maryln Giuliano, DebraLee Hovey, Tony Hwang, Themis Klarides, Noreen Kokoruda, Brenda Kupchick, David Labriola, Gail Lavielle, Tim LeGeyt, Ben McGorty, Larry Miller, Craig Miner, Mike Molgano, Selim Noujaim, Tom O'Dea, Arthur O'Neill, Jason Perillo, John Piscopo, Rosa Rebimbas, Dave Rutigliano, Rob Sampson, Pam Sawyer, David Scribner, John Shaban, Bill Simanski, Rich Smith, Prasad Srinivasan, Steven Walko, Sean Williams, Terrie Wood, David Yaccarino, Melissa Ziobron, and Lezlye Zupkus, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-798.
18.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Janice Geigler, Robert Simpson, Lezlye Zupkus, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-799.
19.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Len Fasano, Brenda Kupchick, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-800.
20.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Christine Ayala, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-801.
21.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Rep. Buck-Taylor, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-802.
22.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Gail Lavielle, Anthony D'Amelio, Fred Camillo, Selim Noujaim, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-803.
23.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Gail Lavielle, Anthony D'Amelio, Fred Camillo, Selim Noujaim, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-804.
24.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Gail Lavielle, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-805.
25.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Gail Lavielle, Henry Genga, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-806.
26.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Janice Giegler, Robert Simpson, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-807.
27.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Gail Lavielle, Anthony D'Amelio, Fred Camillo, Selim Noujaim, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-809.
28.  Consideration of Notice of Decision Not to Schedule in David Godbout v. Lezlye Zupkus, Janice Giegler, Anthony D'Amelio, Tony Hwang, Brenda Kupchick, Dave Yaccarino, Anthony Guglielmo, Members, State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly; and State of Connecticut, Connecticut General Assembly, Docket # FIC 2014-810.
29.  Consideration of Supreme Court decision in Freedom of Information Officer, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services et al. v. Freedom of Information Commission, et al., (SC 19371), officially released September 22, 2015.
30.  Report on pending appeals.
31.  Staff Reports.
32.  Legislation.
33.  New Business.