The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Connecticut Early Detection and Prevention Program: Get the doctor and medical care all women in Connecticut deserve.  Enroll in two easy steps. 

Think about YOURSELF.Picture of two women

  • In recent years (2011-2015) Connecticut had the second highest incidence of breast cancer in the United States.
  • Nearly 38,000 women in Connecticut are not receiving all of the health care they need because they do not have proper health insurance or the means to pay health insurance premiums.
  • 4,770 women in Connecticut died from heart disease in 2015.
The Connecticut Early Detection and Prevention Program (CEDPP) serves 4,400 women every year. We have helped 70,000 women visit doctors, get mammograms, pap tests, HPV tests, cardiovascular screenings and more.   dots Early detection, screening and related care all in one program  For more program details, see our program brochure (English, Spanish). dots

Enroll in Two Easy Steps

Step 1. Confirm You Can Enroll

Step 2. Contact Us or the Program Center in Your Local Area 


More About the Connecticut Early Detection and Prevention Program (CEDPP)

The Connecticut Early Detection and Prevention Program (CEDPP) consists of the Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (CBCCEDP) and the Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN).


The Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program

The Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (CBCCEDP) is a comprehensive screening program available throughout Connecticut for medically underserved women. The primary objective of the program is to significantly increase the number of women who receive breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnostic and treatment referral services. All services are offered free of charge through the Connecticut Department of Public Health’s contracted health care providers located statewide.

The CBCCEDP Screening and Diagnostic Services is for women 21-64 years and include:

The CBCCEDP Screening and Diagnostic Services is for women 21-64 years and include:
Office Visits Colposcopies and Colposcopy-Directed Biopsies
Screening and Diagnostic Mammograms  Loop Electrode Excision Procedure (LEEP)
Breast Biopsies  Surgical Consultations 
Breast Ultrasounds  Clinical Breast Exams
Fine Needle Aspirations  HPV Screening (human papilloma virus)
 Pap Tests Cardiovascular screening


Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN)

The Connecticut Department of Public Health’s WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation) Program is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-sponsored program designed to help 35-64 year-old women reduce their risk for heart disease and promote a heart-healthy lifestyle.


The Connecticut WISEWOMAN Program offers FREE healthy & supportive Lifestyle Programs for CEDPP participants, such as:
  • Health Coaching
  • Specialist Health Coaching (i.e. Dietitian, Mental Health and Pharmacist through Medication Therapy Management)
  • Weight Watchers (in-person or online)
  • Self-Monitored Blood Pressure
  • Health Coaching with Community Support (examples: Healthy Cooking Classes, Gym Memberships, Yoga or Zumba Fitness classes, Community Gardens, Diabetes Life Care Programs)
  • Diabetes Prevention Program

Connecticut is one of only 3 New England states that offers this program.

Connecticut’s WISEWOMAN program, administered by the Department of Public Health (DPH), provides women found at risk for cardiovascular disease an opportunity to participate in a lifestyle modification program, which includes nutrition and physical activity interventions. The WISEWOMAN program incorporates cardiovascular disease screening and intervention services into the healthcare delivery system of the current DPH Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program contracted health care provider sites. In addition to a clinical breast exam, Pap test, and mammogram, women who participate in the WISEWOMAN Program receive screening for cardiovascular disease.

WISEWOMAN services include:

  • BMI
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood glucose testing
  • Life style programs

To be eligible for the WISEWOMAN Program, a woman must be enrolled in the department’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program; be 40 to 64 years of age; have an income at or below 250% of the federal poverty level; have no health insurance; have an insurance deductible of $1,000 or more; or have health insurance that excludes routine blood pressure screening, lipid profile, and blood glucose screenings.

For more information please see the CEDPP Brochure (English, Spanish) and eligibility criteria or call (860)509-7804.


Connecticut Early Detection and Prevention Program (CEDPP)

consists of the

Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (CBCCEDP)

and the

Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN).
Who Can Enroll?

All participants must:

  • Be at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level – See chart below
  • Be 40 to 64 for Mammograms, 21 to 64 for Pap Tests, 35-64 for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)/WISEWOMAN Program Services, and 45 years or older for Follow-Up CRC Diagnostic Colonoscopy (male or female). 
  • Have no health insurance* or
  • Have a high insurance deductible ($1,000 or more)

*Women 65+ who are not enrolled in Medicare Part B may be eligible to receive CBCCEDP services.


(Based on 250% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines)*

*Household gross income must be less than or equal to the following:
 Family Size Annual Income Monthly Income Biweekly Income Weekly Income
 1-person family  $37,650  $3,138  $1,448   $724
 2-person family  $51,100  $4,258  $1,965  $983
 3-person family  $64,550  $5,379  $2,483  $1,241
 4-person family  $78,000  $6,500  $3,000  $1,500
 5-person family  $91,450  $7,620  $3,517  $1,758
 6-person family  $104,900  $8,741  $4,034  $2,017
 7-person family  $118,350  $9,862  $4,551  $2,275
 8-person family  $131,800  $10,983  $5,069  $2,534
 9-person family  $145,250  $12,104  $5,586  $2,793
 10-person family   $158,700  $13,225  $6,103  $3,051
 For each additional family member add:  $13,450  $1,121  $517  $259


Contact Us or the Program Center in Your Local Area

Contact Us by Email:

To learn more, send your first name with your phone number or email address to the Connecticut Early Detection and Prevention Program (CEDPP).


Call Any of the Following Locations:

For more information contact: The Connecticut Department of Public Health, 860-509-7804 or Contact your local health care provider program listed below.
 Town Location Phone Health System Navigator 
Bridgeport Bridgeport Hospital  203-384-3392  Ivette Cabrera
Danbury/Norwalk/New Milford/Stamford NUVANCE/WCHN 203-739-4770  Lisa Alves
Putnam Hartford HealthCare 860-823-6534
 Daylen Lopez &
 Melanie Padua
Hartford Hartford HealthCare 860-972-3078  Lixmarie Wagner
Hartford St. Francis Hospital 860-714-7151  Renee Richard
Stafford Johnson Memorial Hospital  860-714-7151   Renee Richard
Waterbury/Vernon/South Windsor PMH/ECHN/Waterbury Hospital/Rockville Hospital/Manchester Hospital 860-872-5368  Edry O’Dwyer
Meriden MidState Medical Center             


 Lixmarie Wagner
New Haven Yale New Haven Hospital 203-688-2219  Jennifer Porto
New London Lawrence and Memorial Hospital 860-442-0711  Guadalupe Cuellar
Norwich Backus Hospital  860-823-6589  Melanie Padua
Torrington Charlotte Hungerford Hospital 860-496-6513  Shanyll Vargas
St. Mary's Hospital 203-709-3795  Stephanie McCreary
Waterbury Waterbury Hospital 860-872-5368  Edry O’Dwyer
Willimantic Windham Hospital 860-823-6354  Daylen Lopez