Press Releases
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Gov. Malloy: Advanced Anti-Fraud Technology Could Save Taxpayers Nearly $170 Million
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that Connecticut taxpayers could save nearly $170 million over this biennium under a new initiative designed to identify and stop fraud in state programs, including the Medical Assistance program.
Gov. Malloy: Non-Profit Organizations, Municipalities Can Now Apply for Super Storm Sandy Relief
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that his administration is seeking applications from nonprofit organizations and municipalities to provide disaster relief services to households and organizations that were directly affected by Super Storm Sandy.
Connecticut Joins National Settlement Resolving Allegations of Off-label Marketing of Rapamune
Attorney General George Jepsen, Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane and Department of Social Services Commissioner Roderick L. Bremby today announced that Connecticut has joined with other states and the federal government in a settlement with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to resolve allegations of off-label marketing of the immunosuppressive drug, Rapamune.
Gov. Malloy: State Gains Federal Nod to Distribute $10.5 Million in Social Services Aid Resulting From Storm Sandy
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that his administration has received federal approval to distribute over $10.5 million in new social services disaster relief funding to assist Connecticut residents and organizations impacted by Storm Sandy.
Gov. Malloy Announces Launch of Disaster Recovery Website
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the State of Connecticut has launched a new website – – that will serve as a permanent, one-stop portal for residents, businesses and municipalities to gain information about services available in the aftermath of natural disasters and other emergencies, such as available federal and state grants.
Attorney General Reaches $9.9 Million Settlement with Key Defendants in Medicaid Billing Lawsuit
HARTFORD – Attorney General George Jepsen today announced a $9.9 million settlement with Gary Anusavice of North Kingstown, R.I., and six of his management and consulting companies, settling the state’s civil fraud claims stemming from an alleged illegal Medicaid billing scheme.
Gov. Malloy: State Issues Action Plans for $82.5 Million in Federal Storm Sandy Recovery Funds
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the state has released two action plans describing how a total of $82.5 million in federal relief funds will be expended to address the critical needs of Connecticut residents affected by Storm Sandy.
Gov. Malloy: New Web Service Marks Significant First Step in Modernizing State's Social Services Department
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced the launch of a new, user-friendly web-based service for the state's Department of Social Services (DSS) that gives the agency's 750,000 clients the ability to check on the status of their benefits online and provides members of the general public with a pre-screening tool to learn about which services they may be eligible for.
State Awarded Grant to Improve Health Care System by Coordinating Care and Coverage, Lowering Costs
Connecticut has been awarded a $2.85 million federal grant to develop a plan to transform the state’s health care system to better coordinate patient care and coverage, reform payment structures and lower costs, Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman announced today.
Governor Malloy: Long-Term Care Rebalancing Brings More Choices for Seniors, Adults with Disabilities
Governor Dannel P. Malloy, joined by Department of Social Services Commissioner Roderick L. Bremby, today announced the release of the Strategic Plan to Rebalance Long-Term Services and Supports, a town-by-town projection of Connecticut’s long-term care needs and strategies to meet those needs. The Governor also announced that up to $72.8 million in federal funding will be awarded to support the expansion of homecare services for seniors and adults with disabilities. The federal funding, combined with a $13 million state investment, marks the first step in a rebalancing plan to expand long-term care services and reduce spending on costly institutional care. It will also help the nursing home industry adapt to the changing needs of elders and other adults with disabilities. See also,
Gov. Malloy: State Agencies Moving to Assist Residents Facing Loss of Unemployment Benefits
(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today directed Connecticut Department of Labor (DOL) Commissioner Glenn Marshall and Department of Social Services (DSS) Commissioner Roderick Bremby to begin implementing their plan to bring targeted services to individuals and families who are losing their unemployment benefits as a result of the state’s declining unemployment rate.
Governor Malloy Announces $5.2 Million Federal Bonus for Children's Health Care
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the Obama Administration has awarded a $5.2 million performance bonus to Connecticut for ‘ongoing and strong efforts to identify and enroll’ children in public health care coverage.
Gov. Malloy Announces Lower Cost for Most Enrollees in Connecticut’s Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today welcomed federal approval of a flat $381 monthly premium in the Connecticut Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, a move expected to boost enrollment in the year-old program by slashing premium costs by as much as 57% for older beneficiaries.
Governor Malloy: Partnership With Employers, Non-Profits To Create Over 275 Job Opportunities For Citizens With Disabilities
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today joined a coalition of business, government and advocacy groups at a statewide employment forum, announcing a job training and placement initiative for over 275 citizens with disabilities and underscoring the economic connection between Connecticut’s employers and a diversified workforce.
Governor Malloy: $1 Million Federal Grant to Improve Patient Care in Medicaid, Medicare
Governor Dannel P. Malloy today welcomed a $1 million federal grant to help Connecticut pioneer a coordinated system of care for elders and adults with disabilities covered by both Medicaid and Medicare.