Holiday: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Wednesday, February 12th, a state holiday

Prior Year's Tutorials & Webinars

DRS Taxpayer Education Center - (TPEdC)

Welcome to the new DRS Taxpayer Education Center! The Taxpayer Education Center (TPEdC) was created through a taxpayer lens to assist Connecticut taxpayers in finding the specific tax information they need to easily file and pay their Connecticut taxes. The TPEdC will be updated frequently with the most current tax topics and will include tutorial videos to guide taxpayers on how to file in the quickest, easiest, and most accurate manner.

Education & Outreach Tax Events

  • DRS-158, 2025 Tax Events Calendar

Live Webinar Registrations

New Business Flyers

Withholding Tax Helpful Tips on Submitting Forms W-2 and 1099

Employers:  Click here for a helpful video on submitting Forms W-2 and 1099.  The video only applies to employers submitting W-2s and 1099s.  It does not apply to individuals. Due date: January 31, 2025.  

Attorney Occupational Tax Helpful Filing Tips

Helpful tips for Attorney Occupational Tax Filers Due Date: Jan 15, 2025.

Thumbnail on Attorney Occupational tax filing

General DRS Website Navigation Series

Navigating the DRS Website

As a general introduction to the DRS website, this video will help taxpayers navigate the new look of the DRS website and locate important information.

Video screenshot

"For Individuals” on the DRS Website

This brief video helps taxpayers find the latest information on Connecticut income tax and other helpful tools and resources to file and pay Connecticut taxes quickly and easily.

Video screenshot

Form CT-W4

As a general introduction, this video will help taxpayers identify when and how to complete Form CT-W4, Employee’s Withholding Certificate.

Video screenshot

Research for Businesses

As a general introduction to the DRS website, taxpayers will learn to research and navigate the website to find information pertaining to their business.

Video screenshot

Research Library on the DRS Website

As a general introduction to the research library, this video will help taxpayers navigate different resources including statutes, regulations, and legislative updates.

Research Library Video access

Form REG-8-Renewal for Farmer Tax Exemption Permit

This video helps farmers file Form REG-8, Renewal for Farmer Tax Exemption Permit, online using DRS’s myconneCT system.

Reg8 video screen shot

Connecticut Resident Income Tax Series

Who Must File the Connecticut Resident Income Tax Return

Guide taxpayers through the essentials on who must file the Connecticut Resident Income Tax Return.


CT Residents Completing Form CT-1040

Guide Connecticut residents through the essentials to complete Form CT‑1040, Connecticut Resident Income Tax Return.

Filing CT-1040

Paying CT Income Taxes

Guide taxpayers how to pay their taxes owed from their Connecticut income tax return.

Paying CT Income Taxes 

Connecticut Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Series

Who Must File the CT Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return

Introduction to the basics of filing the Connecticut Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return.

nrpy basics

CT Nonresident and Part-Year Residents Completing Form CT-1040NR/PY

Guide taxpayers through the essentials on completing the Connecticut nonresident and part-year resident income tax return. 

Completing NRPY

Nonresident and Part-Year Residents Paying CT Income Tax

Guide nonresident and part-year residents on how to pay their taxes owed from their Connecticut income tax return.

Paying NRPY 

Live Webinar Recordings

CT DRS Individual Income Tax Webinar

This webinar will help you prepare to file your 2024 Connecticut income tax return with an overview of important income tax changes and a live demonstration on how to file.

Pass-Through Entity/ Composite Tax Webinar - Part 1

This webinar from January 24, 2025, covered the Composite Income Tax and Pass-Through Entity Tax. It is the first in a 4-part series.

Image placeholder for link to composite income tax video

Earned Income Tax Credit Webinar

This webinar from January 23, 2025, is intended to help you prepare for claiming the credit on the 2024 Form CT-1040, Connecticut Resident Income Tax Return.

Thumbnail for EITC webinar presentation


Withholding Forms W2/1099 Annual Filing Webinar

This webinar is intended to provide Connecticut electronic filing information for employers filing Form W-2 and payers filing Form 1099

WTH Live webinar image thumbnail

Overview of Connecticut Sales Tax Webinar

This webinar is tailored for new business owners to help them understand Connecticut's Sales and Use Tax.

Image placement for sales tax live webinar video

myCTREC (Form OP-236) Webinar

This webinar is a presentation about Connecticut's myCTREC. It includes a demonstration on how to submit Form OP-236 and the steps a Town Clerk would take to approve or reject submitted Form OP-236s.

myctrec live webinar video image 

Sales and Use Tax for New Businesses Information Session - June 2024

This webinar is for businesses that are making sales of goods or services in Connecticut. It also includes a myconneCT demo showing how to file Sale and Use Tax forms.

Sales and Use tax live webinar image 

Connecticut Income Tax Webinar - March 2024

This webinar includes answers to taxpayers' top Connecticut income tax questions, a myconneCT demo, and an overview of the Taxpayer Education Center.

webinar image

Highway Use Fee Webinar January 2024

This webinar includes important updates to the Highway Use Fee, a myconneCT demo to file the Highway Use Fee, and FAQs.

Highway Use Tax Image