Upcoming Webinar - Pass-through entities: DRS will be holding Part 3 in its series of webinars on Friday, February 21, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. This session will cover pass-through entity unsourced income, reporting subsidiary PE income, and reporting credits greater than the composite income tax liability. Select here to register: Pass-Through / Composite Tax - Part 3

MOVEit Overview

MOVEit Transfer is a secure file transfer server that provides solutions for the handling of sensitive information, including financial files, medical records, legal documents, and personal data. MOVEit securely collects, stores, manages, and distributes information between organizations and external entities.

  • The MOVEit Transfer application provides a secure way for DRS staff to securely exchange files packages with Taxpayers and other external users. Each package typically consists of a note (a basic message) and one or more attached files. Users are set up with accounts and mailboxes where they can send and receive packages. See directions for logging in as a new user.
  • Non-Registered users will need to have a Department of Revenue employee initiate a MOVEit communication with the User to invite them into the system. Once this occurs, the user will receive two emails.     

Sign On to site: https://sft.drs.ct.gov/

To sign on and access your mailbox for sending/receiving packages:

  1. You can go to the above link and sign on with your credentials or you can click the link in the email notice received or copy the link and paste into a browser. The MOVEit Transfer Sign On page opens.
  2. Enter your Username (email address) and Password you set after first setting up your login.     


Please use the MOVEit Support Request Form to request assistance

Tour the Interface

Inbox View

The below image is the Inbox view, which you see when you first sign on to MOVEit File Transfer. It is standard set up like any email box account.  When you click the HOME link in the left navigation panel, this is the view you come to...MOVEit Inbox View


My Mailboxes contains your Inbox, Sent, and Trash folders. If you want to get to your Sent Mailbox or Trash Mailbox click the "Go to..." drop down button and select one of those options. New package emails are shown in bold. You can recall packages in the Sent mailbox.

New packages display in bold text and the envelope is closed.  Messages that have been previously read the package is open.

Viewing Packages/Emails

You will receive an email notification when you receive an email from the DRS employee or they have sent you a new package. Click the link provided in the email to open the MOVEit Transfer sign on page. Sign on to MOVEit website with the username and password given to you when you originally were set up.  The default page when you sign on should be your inbox Mailbox (see above).  Click on the new email received to view the message as it appears below and any packages attached that you can download. You can choose to reply to the email and upload additional attachments.

view inside email

Click any package to view the package and to download the attachments or click on the "Download" button.

Click Recycle bin to move a package to your Trash mailbox.

Click Return to Mailboxes to view all of your mailboxes (i.e., Inbox, Sent or Trash).

You can also use the Go to Mailbox selector to go directly to a different mailbox, such as your Sent or Trash mailboxes:

You can recall packages in the Sent mailbox.

If you have access to the shared mailbox of another MOVEit user, you'll see new packages in that shared mailbox also.

Package Contents

The email contains the normal header for emails such as the Recipient(s), the Sender, the Subject, and the current Mailbox. For packages that you sent, the header contains the package's Read Status, and a Recall option.

Buttons and links display actions that can be performed on the current package. The actions available on your package depend on how your organization is set up.

  • Trash - Move the package to the Trash mailbox.
  • Delete - Only available to packages in the Trash mailbox, this permanently removes the current package from the Trash mailbox.
  • Reply - Start composing a new package to the sender of the current package. The body of the current package will be retained and each line marked with the ">" character.
  • Reply All - Start composing a new package to the sender of the current package, as well as the recipients of the current package. As with Reply, the body of the current package will be retained and each line marked with the ">" character.
  • Forward - Start composing a new package with no recipient. As with Reply and Reply All, the body of the current package will be retained and each line marked with the ">" character. Unlike Reply and Reply All, any attachments in the current package will be copied to the new package.
  • Move/Restore - In all mailboxes except Trash, this will be "Move". In Trash, it will be "Restore". They both function the same way, allowing the user to select a mailbox to move the current package to.
  • View Package History - View any audit log entries associated with the current package.
  • View Print Friendly - View the package in a printer friendly format. (Navigation is suppressed and the package is forced into a 660 pixel-wide page).

Send Packages

Sending a package is like sending an email with attachments. 

To send a package:

  1. On your Home page, or on the Packages page, click Send Package. The New Package page opens (see below).
  2. Fill in the fields and make selections. You can now drag and drop files into the window designated below or click "Upload Files" and navigate to the location of the files to upload your files. You then can preview or send/reply with your package to your recipient.

Send Package