HOLIDAY CLOSURE: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Monday, January 20th, a state holiday.


Tobacco Products Tax

Effective July 1, 1989, a tax was imposed on all tobacco products held in this state by distributors.

Tobacco products mean cigars, cheroots, stogies, periques, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed and other smoking tobacco, snuff, snuff flour, cavendish, plug and twist tobacco, fine cut and other chewing tobaccos, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings and sweeping of tobacco and all other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise or for both chewing and smoking. Tobacco products do not include cigarettes.

"Distributor" means:

  1. a person engaged in the business of manufacturing tobacco products.
  2. a person engaged in the business of selling tobacco products, whether at wholesale or retail, other than a person who sells solely and exclusively tobacco products on which the Connecticut tobacco products tax has previously been paid.

A distributor is required to be licensed annually and the fee for a distributor's license is $100. A distributor is required to file a monthly tax return, even if there is no tax liability for the month.

The rate of tax is 20% of wholesale sales price. The wholesale sales price means the price at which the tobacco product is purchased or acquired.

However, as a retailer, you may be exempted from registration as a distributor and filing tax returns, if you purchase all tobacco products exclusively from tobacco products distributors licensed by the Department of Revenue Services and on which the Connecticut tobacco products tax has previously been paid. You will not be required to be licensed as a distributor as long as you file on or before the first day of each February an affidavit TPT-1, a copy of which is attached.


For further information, please call the Excise Tax Subdivision of the Audit Division at (860) 541-3205.

TSSN-19 (REV 1/90)