Upcoming CT DRS webinar: Select to register for the upcoming Withholding Forms W-2 and 1099 Annual Filing Webinar on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.


Mission Statement

At the Connecticut Department of Revenue Service, we deeply believe that taxes owed to the State of Connecticut constitute a debt to each and every state resident. Tax dollars feed our elderly, educate our young, bring comfort to our poor and disadvantaged, and secure safety and justice for everyone.

Therefore, we adopt the following mission statement.

The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services is committed to enhancing voluntary compliance with our tax laws and collecting tax revenue owed to Connecticut residents in a fair, efficient and courteous manner.

Service - We will help taxpayers comply with an ever-changing and complex body of law by responding to taxpayer inquiries and through outreach programs. We welcome suggestions on how to better serve the state.

Fairness - All taxpayers will be fairly treated. Any money owed any taxpayer will be promptly returned. Any money owed the state will be promptly and professionally collected.

Confidentiality - Maintaining the privacy of taxpayers' records is crucial. The disclosure of confidential information will not be tolerated.

Efficiency - We will provide service as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Professionalism - Our most important resources are our employees. Employees will be treated with respect and dignity. Advancement and training opportunities will be publicized throughout the department. Every effort will be made to provide a pleasant working environment.

Teamwork - We encourage communication among all employees. Everyone has something to contribute.