Holiday Closure: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Wednesday, January 1st, a state holiday.

Upcoming CT DRS webinar: Select to register for the upcoming Withholding Forms W-2 and 1099 Annual Filing Webinar on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.

This information is not current and is being provided for reference purposes only

IP 1994(7)

A Guide for Filers of Multiple Forms CT-1041ES

This publication has been superseded by IP 2007(28)

PURPOSE: This publication explains the payment filing requirements for banking institutions that make estimated fiduciary income tax payments for multiple accounts.

BACKGROUND: Conn. Gen. Stat. §12-720 requires each person (including trusts and estates) to make a declaration of estimated tax if the tax can reasonably be expected to exceed $200.00. Banking institutions that make estimated payments for 50 or more fiduciary accounts may use the format described below.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: To be eligible to use this payment method institutions must have a minimum of 50 payments in a filing quarter. Filing eligibility for a calendar quarter is determined based upon the number of payments in that calendar quarter. Qualifying institutions may make payments in payment groups of no more than 250. (When filing more than one payment group, the last payment group may contain less than fifty payments.)

FORM INSTRUCTIONS: The following instructions should be used when filing multiple Forms CT-1041ES:

A page break is required for each "Payment Group".

Each "Payment Group" must have accumulated subtotals for "Payment Amount" and "Payment Count".

Each list must have a grand total page with the "Grand Total Payment Count" and the "Grand Total Payment Amount" for the quarter.

The page numbers for each list must be sequential for the entire listing for the quarter rather than starting at one again for each "Payment Group". A separate listing for a different year would begin at page 1 again.

Provide subtotals at the end of each "Payment Group" for "Payment Count" and "Payment Amount".

On a separate page, provide the span of "Payment Group Numbers", the "Grand Total Payment Count" and the "Grand Total Payment Amount".


LINE 1: The date, year, form title and page number (on each page)

LINE 2 : Name of bank

LINES 3 AND 4: Bank location

LINE 5: Bank contact and phone number

LINES 6 AND 7: Blank

LINE 8: The payment group number. Assign a number to each payment group, start with 1 and continue for each payment group. (Lists for subsequent quarters should begin with payment group 1.)

LINES 9 AND 10: Blank


LINE 12: Blank

LINES 13 - 55: Begin the individual detail for each estimated payment being made. Skip a line between each payment.

NOTE: A sample payment format is on the reverse side of this publication.

RELATED PUBLICATIONS: Form CT-1041, Connecticut Fiduciary Income Tax Return For Residents, Nonresidents and Part-Year Residents and Form CT-1041ES, Individual Estimated Income Tax Payment Coupon.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: If you have questions about Connecticut taxes, please call the Department of Revenue Services during business hours, Monday through Friday:

  • 860-297-5962 (Hartford calling area or from out-of-state); or
  • 1-800-382-9463 (toll-free from within Connecticut)

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TT) users only call 860-297-4911 during business hours.


You may obtain forms and publications at any hour, seven days a week:

  • Telephone: use the phone numbers listed above and select Option 3 from a touch-tone phone;
  • Internet: preview and download forms from the DRS web site


8/22/94 1994 CT-1041ES Connecticut Fiduciary Estimated Payments Pg. 1
Name of Bank
Bank Location 1
Bank Location 2
Contact Name and Phone Number

Payment Group # nn                                             

FEDERAL                  PAYMENT         TRUST NAME         

ID NUMBER                AMOUNT                                

999999999                $ 999,999,999.99   x______________x   

999999999                $ 999,999,999.99   x______________x   

999999999                $ 999,999,999.99   x______________x   

Payment Group # nn       Payment Count      999                

                         Payment Amount     $ 999,999,999.99   

8/22/94 1994 CT-1041ES Connecticut Fiduciary Estimated Payments Pg. 2

Name of Bank
Bank Location 1
Bank Location 2
Contact Name and Phone Number

Payment Group # nn-yy    Grand Total                           

                         Payment Count      9, 999             

                         Grand Total                           

                         Payment Amount     $ 999,999,999.99   

IP 94(7)
Issued: 11/17/94