Holiday: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Wednesday, February 12th, a state holiday

AN 94(12)

Supplemental Attachments To Form CT-1120SI,
Part I, Schedule A And Parts IV, V, And VI

This publication has been superseded by AN 94(12.1)

PURPOSE: To establish a uniform format for supplemental attachments to Form CT-1120SI.

BACKGROUND S corporations, with numerous of shareholders, are required to attach supplemental schedules for Form CT-1120SI, Part 1, Schedule A and for Parts IV, V, and VI.  The schedules that have been submitted to date have varied too widely in format, making it more difficult and more costly for the department to keypunch the appropriate data.

Therefore, the Department of Revenue Services has created and now requires that two supplemental attachments, Form CT-1120SI - Supplemental Attachment (Part 1, Schedule A) and Form CT-1120SI - Supplemental Attachment (Parts IV, V, and VI) both of which are included with this publication, be used by S corporations.

APPROVAL OF ALTERNATE VERSIONS:  The use by software companies of alternate versions of these supplemental attachments to Form CT-1120SI must be approved by the Department in accordance with the guidelines that are applicable to the use of alternate versions of other Connecticut tax forms by software companies.

Additional copies of these supplemental attachments and can be obtained by calling the telephone numbers listed below.

RELATED FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS:  Form CT-1120SI, Connecticut S Corporation Information and Composite Income Tax Return and Instructions.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Please call the Department of Revenue Services during business hours, Monday through Friday:

  • 1-800-382-9463 (in-state), or
  • 860-297-5962 (anywhere), or
  • TDD/TT (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) users only call 860-297-4911 during business hours.     

AN 94(12)
Corporation income tax
Issued 10/11/94