Individual Income Tax Filers:  DRS will be holding a webinar on Thursday, March 20, at 10:00 a.m.  This session will provide information for filing 2024 Connecticut income tax returns and helpful tips for electronically filing your Connecticut income tax return.  Select here to register.


AN 94(10)

Rulings Relating To Computer And Data Processing
Services Obsolete By Court Decision

This publication has been clarified by AN 94(10.1) and AN 94(10.2)

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Announcement is to identify rulings that, while valid when issued, should no longer be relied upon. The Department will declare a ruling to be "obsolete" where, because of changes in the law on which a ruling was based or because a position that was taken in a ruling has been addressed in a subsequently promulgated regulation, the ruling is no longer considered authoritative and should not be relied upon for future transactions. By declaring a ruling to be obsolete, the Department intends to eliminate unnecessary research and to reduce the possibility of erroneous decisions by taxpayers and tax practitioners. The fact that a ruling or pronouncement is obsolete does not affect its past validity or its application to past transactions.

Ruling Nos. 89-26, 89-93, 89-158 and 89-163 are obsolete by Northeast Data com, Inc. v. City of Wallingford, 212 Conn. 639, 563 A.2d 688 (1989), to the extent that the rulings pertain to custom software.

EFFECT OF THIS DOCUMENT: An Announcement is a document that alerts taxpayers to important information. Such information may involve new Department administrative policies and procedures.

EFFECT ON OTHER DOCUMENTS: The above-listed rulings are obsolete.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: To order forms and publications or for further information, call the Department of Revenue Services at 860-297-5962 (Hartford area or out-of-state) or 1-800-382-9463 (in-state). Forms and publications may be ordered through voice-mail 24-hours a day by choosing Option 3 on your touch tone telephone.

Electronic Delivery Options: You can also obtain tax forms and publications 24-hours a day from our Website.

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TT) users only call 860-297-4911 during business hours.

AN 94(10)
Computer and data processing services
Issued: 8/11/94