Holiday: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Monday, February 17th, a state holiday

AN 93(10.1)

Revisions To Certain 1993 Income Tax Returns And Instructions

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Announcement is to:

Point out erroneous line references on the 1993 Form CT-6251, Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Return, line 18;

Point out an erroneous line reference on the 1993 Form CT-1041, Schedule FA, Fiduciary Allocation.

Provide additional instructions to the 1993 Form CT-6251, Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Return, line 2;

Provide additional instructions to the 1993 Form CT-1041, Fiduciary Income Tax Return, Schedule H, line 2.

Provide a clarification to the instructions to Schedule 1 of Forms CT-1040 and Form CT-1040NR/PY.

Correct a typographical error in the resident income tax tables.

BACKGROUND: On December 13, 1993 the Department issued AN 93(10) concerning corrections to line references on the Alternative Minimum Tax Return. On December 21, 1993, the Department issued AN 93(10.1) which supersedes AN 93(10) and corrects information on the previous announcement and includes additional corrections of 1993 forms and instructions.

NOTE: Certain versions of the forms mentioned above were corrected by the Department prior to printing. Other versions, including Form CT-6251 in the resident income tax booklet and Schedule CT-1041FA in the Form CT-1041 instruction booklet, are incorrect. The additional instructions listed below are not included in the instruction booklets. Check the form and use the directions below, if necessary, to correctly file the return.


The references on line 18 of the 1993 Form CT-6251 should be to line 6 of the 1993 Form CT-1040 and to line 8 of the 1993 Form CT-1040NR/PY.

The note below Part 2, Schedule CT-1041FA, Fiduciary Allocation, should direct the taxpayer to enter the amount from Form CT-1041, Schedule B, Part 1, column 3, line f (not column 5, line f).


1993 Form CT-6251, line 2

"NOTE: Exclude the amount of federally tax-exempt interest or exempt-interest dividends pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 852(b)(5), from non-Connecticut private activity bonds issued after August 7, 1986 and included on federal Form 6251, line 13."

1993 Form CT-1041, Schedule H, line 2

"NOTE: Exclude the amount of federally tax-exempt interest or exempt-interest dividends pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 852(b)(5) from non-Connecticut private activity bonds issued after August 7, 1986 and included on federal Form 1041, Schedule H, Part 1, line 6a."

1993 Form CT-1040 line 32 and Form CT-1040NR/PY line 36

"NOTE: For Series EE U.S. Savings Bonds you may include on line 32 or line 36 only the net amount included on Schedule B of federal Form 1040 or Schedule 1 of federal Form 1040A, after exclusion of the amounts from federal Form 8815."

TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN RESIDENT TAX TABLES: If Connecticut adjusted gross income is more than $85,800 but less than or equal to $85,850, tax for those who are married filing jointly should be $3475.91 (not $13.58).

EFFECT OF THIS DOCUMENT: An Announcement is a document that alerts taxpayers to important information. Such information may involve new administrative policies or procedures of the Department.

EFFECT ON OTHER DOCUMENTS: This Announcement supersedes AN 93(10) and corrects information concerning certain 1993 Income Tax returns and instructions. AN 93(10) is superseded by this Announcement and may no longer be relied upon.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: To order forms and publications or for further information, call the Department of Revenue Services at 860-297-5962 (Hartford area or out-of-state) or 1-800-382-9463 (in-state). Forms and publications may be ordered through voice-mail 24-hours a day by choosing Option 3 on your touch tone telephone.

Electronic Delivery Options: You can also obtain tax forms and publications 24-hours a day from our Website.

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TT) users only call 860-297-4911 during business hours.

AN 93(10.1)
Income tax
Issued: 12/21/93
Replaces AN 93(10), issued 12/13/93