Employers: Click here for a helpful video on submitting Forms W-2 and 1099.  The video only applies to employers submitting W-2s and 1099s.  It does not apply to individuals.

Holiday: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Wednesday, February 12th, a state holiday

AN 92(4)

Important Information About The Unrelated Business Taxable Income Tax

PURPOSE: The Connecticut General Assembly recently enacted a tax on the unrelated business taxable income of tax-exempt organizations carrying on an unrelated trade or business within Connecticut. The tax applies to income years of taxpayers beginning on or after January 1, 1992. This announcement is intended to alert tax-exempt organizations to the new tax and to provide information on registration and 1992 estimated taxes.

In an attempt to reach all tax-exempt organizations that may be subject to the new tax, the Department has used the mailing lists of various organizations and professional associations. This may result in duplicate mailings to some tax-exempt organizations.

REGISTRATION: If a tax-exempt organization is carrying on any unrelated trade or business within Connecticut, it must register with the Department for purposes of the unrelated business taxable income tax.

IF THE ORGANIZATION ALREADY HAS A CONNECTICUT TAX REGISTRATION NUMBER: If the organization is registered for other state taxes (i.e. Connecticut income tax withholding or sales and use taxes), do not complete the enclosed registration application. To register for the purposes of the unrelated business taxable income tax, send a letter requesting registration for the additional tax to: Registration Unit, Department of Revenue Services, 25 Sigourney Street, Hartford, CT 06106. Include the organization's Connecticut Tax Registration Number and Federal Employer Identification Number.

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CONNECTICUT TAX REGISTRATION NUMBER: Please complete the enclosed Application (REG-1), and return it immediately to this Department.

1992 ESTIMATED TAXES: Estimated tax declarations (FORM CT-990T-ESA, -ESB, -ESC, and -ESD) and payments are due on or before the fifteenth day of the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth months of the taxable year. Organizations that are calendar year taxpayers for federal income tax purposes are required to file the enclosed FORM CT-990T-ESC on or before September 15, 1992. Non-calendar year taxpayers may request other estimated payment forms as needed by calling the Forms Unit of this Department at 860-297-4753.



FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: To order forms and publications or for further information, call the Department of Revenue Services at 860-297-5962 (Hartford area or out-of-state) or 1-800-382-9463 (in-state). Forms and publications may be ordered through voice-mail 24-hours a day by choosing Option 3 on your touch tone telephone.

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TT) users only call 860-297-4911 during business hours.

AN 92(4)
Unrelated business taxable income tax
Issued 7/27/92