Welcome to FSET (Federal/State Employment Taxes)
Connecticut’s partnership with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Connecticut Department of Labor (DOL), Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS), and the software community resulted in the Federal/State Employment Taxes (FSET) program which supports payment and filing of employment taxes over the Internet.
The mission of the FSET program is to reduce employer burden by simplifying the process for the quarterly filing of state and federal tax and wage reports and making employment tax payments. The program seeks to facilitate the development of commercial software applications for the single point electronic transmission of employer quarterly tax and wage reports that satisfy both state and federal obligations.
Use FSET to file the following returns safely and securely:
Federal Payroll taxes (Forms 940 and 941)
CT Payroll Withholding taxes (Forms CT-941),
CT Unemployment taxes (Forms UC-2 and UC-5a)
Payments associated with Withholding and Unemployment taxes
If you have a question, comment, or suggestion regarding the FSET Program, e-mail us at: DRS.FSET@po.state.ct.us.
Click here to see the DRS Approved FSET Vendors.
Did you know that if you are a new business and do not have a Connecticut Tax Registration number, you can apply on line?
Fast - "One-stop shopping" for filing your returns!
Easy - Your payroll provider will seamlessly transmit all payroll tax information to the IRS, DRS, and DOL without reentering the data.
Economical - Elimination of printing and submitting of tax documents to the taxing authorities.
Secure - FSET uses the highest levels of security available to protect the confidentiality of taxpayer information.
Error free - Eliminates duplication and manual processes which greatly reduces the chance of error.
On-line navigation and help tools available.
Convenient - FSET is available for filing returns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Approved FSET Vendors
FSET allows taxpayers to file to following returns:
- Form CT-941, DRS Connecticut Quarterly Reconciliation of Withholding
- Form UC-2, DOL Employer Contribution Return
- Form UC-5a, DOL Employee Quarterly Earning Report
- Form 941, IRS Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return
- Form 940, IRS Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return (FUTA)
- Associated Payments for Above Forms
- Bulk Electronic Payments
How do I make payments using FSET?
All balances due must be paid electronically using direct payment. Direct payment allows you to file returns at your convenience and have payments "warehoused" until a later date. Payment can be transferred from your bank account to DRS or DOL any day up to the legal due date of the return.
If you are currently a registered user of the Connecticut Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program, you may make FSET payments using EFT.
The FSET schemas and standards are designed to be used by software developers, transmitters, and payroll service providers to enable any business to file its payroll tax returns and payments.
Transmission using FSET may be either by an individual employer or a third party, using the required XML record format.
If your company is interested in using FSET for the quarterly filing of state and federal tax and wage reports and making employment tax payments ask your payroll company to contact the DRS to get involved or contact an Approved FSET Vendor.
Both the DOL and DRS must approve the transmitter responsible for submitting FSET data to the State of Connecticut as well as the software that generates the files. The FSET XML schemas and the State User Guide as well as news and alerts for IRS e-file for Business – Software Developers and Transmitters are housed on the IRS Web site.
For Employers: Approved FSET Vendors.
For Software Developers and Payroll Service Providers interested in participating in the FSET program, please contact the DRS FSET Coordinator at 860-297-4973 or by e-mail at DRS.FSET@po.state.ct.us.
Connecticut DRS On-Line Filing Methods
The following will provide you with a list of all DRS “Online Filing Methods.”
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Approved FSET Software Developers and Payroll Service Providers
For Software Developers and Payroll Service Providers interested in participating in the FSET program, please contact the DRS FSET Coordinator at 860-297-4973 or by e-mail at DRS.FSET@po.state.ct.us.