HOLIDAY CLOSURE: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Monday, January 20th, a state holiday.

How Do You Report Tax Fraud?

If you suspect or know of an individual or company that is not complying with Connecticut tax laws, you may report this activity to the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) by completing our Referral Form.
  • Be sure to attach any additional documentation to substantiate your allegation, to the Referral Form and send it to DRS using one of the options indicated below.

Print your Fraud Referral form and fax it to the Department of Revenue Services using the fax number below:

DRS Fraud Tips Fax Line:  860-541-7618

Additional information may be faxed with the form to substantiate your referral.


Print your Fraud Referral form and submit it to the Department of Revenue Services using the address below:

State of Connecticut
Department of Revenue Services
Fraud Tips
450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 1
Hartford, CT 06103

Additional information may be submitted with the form to substantiate your referral.

Although you are not required to identify yourself, it is helpful to do so.  Your identity will be kept confidential.

Conn. Gen. Stat. §12-15(a) prohibits the disclosure of tax returns or tax return information.  Therefore, due to the tax return information contained in this referral form DRS employees are prohibited to discuss its status or final result.