Employers: Click here for a helpful video on submitting Forms W-2 and 1099.  The video only applies to employers submitting W-2s and 1099s.  It does not apply to individuals.

Holiday: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Wednesday, February 12th, a state holiday

2012 Trust & Estate Tax

All forms and some DRS publications are in Adobe Acrobat format.  Before viewing or printing these documents you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher  For additional assistance or if you are have trouble downloading a form, visit our Adobe Information page.
Name Type Description Revised
CT-1041 Instruction Booklet 2012 Resident, Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Trusts and Estates
CT-1041 Form Income Tax Return for Trusts and Estates
CT-1041 Schedule B Form & Instr.  Calculation of Connecticut Fiduciary Adjustment and Resident Noncontingent Beneficiary Percentage
CT-1041 Schedule C Form & Instr. Calculation of Connecticut Taxable Income for all Resident Estates and Full Year Resident Trusts
CT-1041 Schedule FA Form & Instr. Fiduciary Allocation
CT-1041 Schedule I Form & Instr. Connecticut Alternative Minimum Tax Computation of Trusts or Estates
CT-1041 K-1T Form & Instr.

Transmittal of Schedule CT-1041 K-1, Beneficiary's Share of Certain Connecticut Items

Schedule CT-1041 K-1 Form & Instr.  Beneficiary's Share of Certain Connecticut Items
CT-8801 Form & Instr. Credit For Prior Year Connecticut Minimum Tax For Individuals, Trusts and Estates
Form & Instr. Change of Resident Status - Special Accruals Connecticut Surety Bond Form 2006 
CT-12-717B Form & Instr. Change of Resident Status - Special Accruals Other Acceptable Security Form 2006 
CT-12-717A&B Instructions Instructions for Forms CT-12-717A and CT-12-717B 2008