Other Helpful Information

Direct inquiries to: NAAProgram@ct.gov or call: 860‑297‑5687

To contact by mail:

Department of Revenue Services

Education & Outreach Unit

450 Columbus Blvd. Ste 1

Hartford CT 06103



Business firm means any business entity authorized to do business in Connecticut and subject to the taxes imposed under Chapters 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, and 212 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Community services means any type of counseling and advice, emergency assistance, or medical care furnished to individuals or groups in the state.

Comprehensive college access loan forgiveness program means a program located in an educational reform district, as defined in section 10-262u of the Connecticut General Statutes, that has established minimum eligibility criteria including, but not limited to, years of enrollment in the educational reform district, grade point average, attendance record and loan forgiveness prerequisite.

Education means any type of scholastic instruction or scholarship assistance to any person who resides in the state that enables such person to prepare for better opportunities, including teaching services donated according to section 10‑21c of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Energy conservation projects are projects to promote energy conservation that are directed toward properties occupied by low-income persons, at least seventy-five per cent of whom are at an income level not exceeding one hundred fifty per cent of the poverty level for the year next preceding the year during which such tax credit is to be granted, or properties owned or occupied by charitable corporations, foundations, trust, or other entities. These projects include, but are not limited to, energy conserving modification or replacement of windows and doors; caulking and weatherstripping; insulation; automatic energy control systems; hot water systems; equipment required to operate variable steam, hydraulic, and ventilating systems; replacement of burners, furnaces, or boilers; electric or mechanical furnace ignition systems; or replacement or modification of lighting fixtures.

Families of low and moderate income mean families meeting the criteria for designation as families of low and moderate income established by the Commissioner of Housing under section 8‑39(f) of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Job training means any type of instruction to any person who resides in the state that enables the person to acquire vocational skills to become employable or seek a higher grade of employment, including training offered pursuant to section 10‑21b of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Neighborhood means any specific geographic area, urban, interurban, suburban, or rural, which is experiencing problems endangering its existence as a viable and stable neighborhood.

Neighborhood assistance means the furnishing of financial assistance, labor, materials, or technical advice to aid in the physical improvement or rehabilitation of all or any part of a neighborhood.

Open space acquisition fund means a fund of any political subdivision of the state or any nonprofit land conservation organization that is used for the purchase of land, interest in land, or permanent conservation restriction on land which is to be permanently preserved as protected open space.