Immediate Actions To Take
At the blast site:
  • Follow instructions of emergency personnel
  • Stay calm. Decontamination does not need to begin immediately
  • Remain in the area until released by emergency personnel
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or other material

Near the blast site:

  • Stay calm. Decontamination does not need to begin immediately
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or other material
  • Proceed on foot away from the area
  • Do not take public transport, so that you avoid contamination of buses and subways
  • If you drive your car or truck, do not use the air conditioner or heater
  • At home, remove your clothing OUTSIDE and place in plastic bag
  • Shower twice. Wash all hair thoroughly
  • News broadcasts will instruct you on proper disposal of contaminated clothing and proper cleaning for your vehicle

Radiation Bomb (“Dirty Bomb”)
Exposure: May be a liquid or a gas. Nerve agents enter the body through:
  • Skin and eyes
  • Breathing in (inhalation)
  • the mouth (by eating or swallowing)

Nerve agents are not contagious. They cannot spread from person to person.

Symptoms and treatment: Upon exposure to a nerve agent, the pupils of the eyes shrink to pinpoints and the body begins sweating and twitching. Runny nose, watery eyes, drooling, excessive sweating, difficult breathing, dimness of vision, nausea, and vomiting follow.

At first sight of symptoms, immediately remove the victim's clothing and flush eyes and skin with plenty of water, then seek medical attention. There are antidotes for specific chemical agents.