Continue all precautions from lower Threat Conditions.
Announce Threat Condition HIGH to all employees and explain expected actions.
Place emergency response teams on notice.
Activate the operations center if required.
Monitor world and local events. Pass on credible threat intelligence to key personnel.
Ensure appropriate security measures are in place and functioning properly.
Instruct employees to report suspicious activities, packages and people.
Search all personal bags, parcels and require personnel to pass through magnetometer, if available.
Restrict vehicle parking close to buildings.
Inspect intrusion detection systems and lighting, security fencing and locking systems.
Inspect all deliveries and consider accepting shipments only at off-site locations.
Remind employees to expect delays and baggage searches. |
Continue all precautions from lower Threat Conditions.
Announce Threat Condition HIGH to employees and public and explain expected actions to be taken.
Restrict or control access to government buildings, critical facilities and infrastructure.
Erect outside barricades as security checks to deny access to underground parking areas, loading docks and building entrance.
Require identification, sign-in and escorts as appropriate.
Restrict parking areas located close to buildings or critical facilities.
Remove trash containers, dumpsters and mailboxes located near government buildings and facilities.
Closely monitor available security and intelligence data from state and local law enforcement agencies.
Instruct employees to be especially watchful for suspicious or unattended packages and articles received through the mail service.
Inspect buildings and parking areas for suspicious packages.
Implement rumor control to avoid public panic.
Employ armed security at airports, dams, public utilities and critical facilities.
Based on threat assessment, define rules of engagement and authorize use of deadly force.
Test communication plans.
Secure and regularly inspect all buildings, vehicles, and parking and storage areas for intrusion.
Conduct 100% verification of deliveries and restrict shipments. |
In addition to all previously mentioned precautions, citizens are advised to:
Resume normal activities, but expect some delays, baggage searches and restrictions as a result of heightened security at public buildings and facilities.
Continue to monitor world and local events as well as local government threat advisories.
Report to local law enforcement agencies by calling 9-1-1, suspicious activities at or near critical facilities.
Avoid leaving unattended packages or brief cases in public areas.
Inventory and organize emergency supply kits and discuss emergency plans with family members. Reevaluate meeting location based on threat.
Consider taking reasonable personal security precautions. Be alert to your surroundings, avoid placing yourself in a vulnerable situation and monitor the activities of your children.
Maintain close contact with your family and neighbors to ensure their safety and emotional welfare. |