This fact sheet is designed to provide a checklist for activities for People with Disabilities to improve their emergency preparedness readiness.
It is to be used in for people with a specific disability: Mobility, Visual, Communication, Cognitive, Psychiatric, Hearing, etc. Preparation may seem like a lot of work. It is. Preparing does take time and effort. So do a little at a time, as your energy and budget permit. The important thing is to start preparing. The more you do, the more confident you will be that you can protect yourself, your family, and your belongings.
Activity Date Completed
How Will You Communicate? ______________
Store Communication Aids in all Emergency Kits. ______________
Complete Emergency Health Information Card with
Communication Information. ______________
Batteries or Chargers for Communication Equipment ______________
Determine how you will communicate with emergency personnel if you do not have your communication devices (augmentative communication device, word board, artificial larynx).
Communication Aids
Store copies of a word or letter board, paper and writing materials, pre-printed messages and key phrases specific to an anticipated emergency, in all your emergency kits, your wallet, purse, etc.
Emergency Health Information Card
Make sure emergency health information card explains the best method to communicate with you: written notes, pointing to letters/words/pictures, finding a quiet place.
Alternate Power Source
Obtain an alternative power source (i.e., power converter, batteries) if you use a computer or laptop computer as a means of frequent communication.
Adapted from Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco and the American Red Cross