Press Releases


Dr. Manisha Juthani's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Day message to DPH employees

Dear Colleagues,


This coming Monday, Jan. 15, we remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, one of the great leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. Each year on the third Monday of January, people from across the nation and around the world celebrate Dr. King, who was born on Jan. 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia.


This day offers us space to reflect on the important work to which Dr. King devoted his life. He was dedicated to fighting injustice and discrimination, and his commitment to uplifting all people and flattening the structures of racism and poverty spurred lasting change across the world.


Celebrating Dr. King also reminds us of the power of our diverse communities. His legacy of peace, justice, inclusion, and equality defines the foundational aspirations of our nation. Through his eloquent words and courageous action, Dr. King inspires us to embrace kindness, patience, and empathy in how we treat one another, and to persevere in our efforts to promote a more just society.


Dr. King once said, No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”  I feel this statement perfectly encapsulates the vital work each and every member of our DPH staff endeavors to do every day on behalf of our fellow citizens. A career in public health is a true calling, and your commitment and passion does not go unnoticed by me and the other members of the executive leadership of our state government.


As we recognize and celebrate the life of a true pioneer for change, I want to thank you for your service and dedication to the lives and livelihoods of the residents of Connecticut.




Commissioner Juthani