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Press Releases


Department of Public Health urges Connecticut residents to get their COVID-19 and flu vaccines before the holidays


CONTACT:     Chris Boyle, Director of Communications

                        (860) 706-9654 –


HARTFORD, Conn—Connecticut Department of Public Health Commissioner Manisha Juthani, MD, is urging all Connecticut residents—especially those 65 and older—to receive their COVID-19 vaccine/booster and flu vaccine to ensure a happy and healthy holiday season.


‘We know that flu and COVID-19 are circulating and that the cases are rising,” said Commissioner Juthani. “It takes about two weeks for these vaccines to be effective so now is your opportunity before the holidays to protect yourself, your family and particularly the older loved ones in your life.”


Commissioner Juthani added that Dec.5 - 9 is National Influenza Vaccination Week which highlights the importance of flu vaccination. Locations for COVID-19 vaccines/boosters and flu vaccine providers can easily be found by visiting Experts say that it is safe to receive the updated COVID-19 booster and flu vaccines at the same time.


Additionally, DPH and the Connecticut Immunization Coalition are partnering with local health departments throughout the state on numerous flu vaccine clinics for children and adults. The entire schedule of local health flu clinics can be found at


DPH also is stressing to nursing homes throughout the state that now is the time to have their residents and employees up to date on the COVID-19 and flu vaccines.


“For COVID-19 and the flu, our nursing home population remain the most vulnerable members of our communities and having them vaccinated will help them avoid succumbing to these deadly viruses,” said Commissioner Juthani. “My ask to the health care workers in the nursing home setting is to protect not only yourself but the patients you care for by being vaccinated and boosted.”
