Press Releases


Statement from Deidre S Gifford MD MPH Acting CT DPH Commissioner


CONTACT:     Chris Boyle, Director of Communications

                        (860) 706-9654 –



Statement from Deidre S. Gifford, MD, MPH, Senior Advisor to the Governor for Health and Human Services, and Acting Connecticut Department of Public Health Commissioner


HARTFORD, Conn.According to new guidance released by CDC this week, all individuals over the age of 2 years—whether vaccinated or unvaccinatedin counties with substantial transmission of COVID-19 should wear masks in public indoor spaces. 


As of today, Hartford, New Haven and New London counties have moved into the category of “substantial transmission” per the CDC classification system.  The Connecticut Department of Public Health strongly recommends that individuals who live in, work in, or are visiting towns located in Hartford, New Haven or New London County follow this recommendation.


In addition, residents across our entire state who have underlying medical conditions that put them at high risk for complications of COVID, or residents who live with high risk or unvaccinated individuals should also consider wearing masks in indoor public spaces. This includes vaccinated family members who live with young children who are not yet eligible for vaccination. 


Governor Ned Lamont’s Executive Order 12A remains in effect which requires all individuals who have not been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to wear a cloth face covering over their nose and mouth when indoors and unable to maintain adequate distance from others.


Emerging science indicates that with the Delta variant in circulation, in some cases vaccinated individuals may become infected with and subsequently transmit COVID infection to others. The risk of contracting and transmitting COVID infection is far greater for the unvaccinated, and vaccination remains the safest and most effective way to protect yourself and your community from COVID. The vaccines are readily available at hundreds of locations across Connecticut and everyone who is eligible should consider receiving the vaccine if they have not done so, already.