Press Releases


In The Aftermath Of Storm Henri The CT DPH Stresses Practicing Food Safety During A Power Outage


CONTACT: Chris Boyle, Director of Communications

                       (860) 706-9654 –


In The Aftermath Of Tropical Storm Henri, The Connecticut Department 

Of Public Health Stresses Practicing Food Safety During A Power Outage


HARTFORD, Conn. – The Connecticut Department of Public Health stresses that it’s extremely important that proper food safety is practiced in the event of a power outage:


  • A refrigerator will keep food safe for up to four hours during a power outage.
  • Avoid opening the door if possible or only open the door when necessary to quickly grab any food items needed.
  • If the power outage lasts for more than four hours, discard perishable food such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, cooked produce, and leftovers.
  • You should never taste food after a power outage to determine its safety.
  • Restaurants and other food establishments must consult with their local health department with regards to remaining open or re-opening after a power outage. 
  • To assist in determining what items to discard, the USDA has created a guide. Evaluate each item separately using the chart from the USDA website
  • Remember when in doubt, throw it out. 


Helpful food safety resources:

Keep Food Safe After a Disaster or Emergency | Food Safety | CDC

Food and Water Safety During Power Outages and Floods | FDA

Food Safety in a Disaster or Emergency |


Published by: Heather Trabal, MD