Press Releases


Connecticut DPH Reminder to Parents to Make Sure Child Vaccinations Are Up To Date As School Resumes


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As School Resumes, The Connecticut Department of Public Health

Reminds Parents To Make Sure Child Vaccinations Are Up To Date

Pandemic Caused Many Children To Fall Behind On Their Immunizations



HARTFORD, Conn.—As schools across Connecticut resume class, the Connecticut Department of Public Health is reminding parents to make sure their child’s immunizations are up to date.


The pandemic caused many children to fall behind on their pediatric and adolescent vaccinations, increasing the potential for outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. COVID-19 has reminded us of the importance of vaccinations to protect children from preventable illnesses.


During the early months of the pandemic, visits to the doctor for vaccines dropped dramatically. Although they have since rebounded, many children and teens are behind on recommended vaccines. Some children may even be lacking vaccines required for school entry in the fall.


“As our children go back to school in the coming weeks, it is important for parents to check with their child’s health care provider to ensure that all vaccinations are up-to-date,” said Kathy Kudish, DVM, MSPH, immunization program manager and deputy state public health veterinarian at DPH. “If parents have any questions or concerns about vaccinating their children, they should discuss them with their child’s primary care provider. We want to make sure every child attending school in Connecticut is protected from vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles.”


High vaccination rates protect not only vaccinated children but also those who cannot or have not been vaccinated. This is called herd immunity. Schools that achieve herd immunity reduce the risk of outbreaks. High vaccination rates at schools are especially important for medically fragile children. Some children have conditions that affect their immunity, such as illnesses that require chemotherapy. These children cannot be safely vaccinated, and, at the same time, they are less able to fight off illness when they are infected. They depend on herd immunity for their health and their lives.


The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 23 million children worldwide missed out on basic vaccines in 2020 due to the pandemic, increasing fears of global outbreaks of polio and measles. With August being National Immunization Awareness Month, now is the perfect time for parents to schedule a visit with their child’s healthcare provider. As a reminder, adolescents 12 years and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and can receive their adolescent vaccinations (HPV, Tdap, and Meningococcal) at the same visit.   


“Vaccines are of the one greatest public health tools we have at keeping people healthy,” said Dr. Kudish. “All children should be able to attend school in an environment free of vaccine-preventable diseases.”


Anyone with questions regarding the Connecticut Vaccine Program can call 860-509-7929 or send an email to:


For more information about vaccine-preventable diseases, please visit:



Published by: Heather Trabal, MD