DPH Infectious Diseases Branch

Provider Reportable Diseases


Category 1 Disease Reporting

1. Report to DPH by phone on the day of diagnosis or suspicion.

Business hours: (860) 509-7994 Evenings, weekends, holidays: (860) 509-8000

2. Complete and submit a PD-23 within 12 hours.

3. Report to the local Director of Health in town of patient residence.

4. Diseases with specialized reporting forms are asterisked (*).

Category 1 Diseases

Acute HIV Infection Poliomyelitis
Anthrax Q fever
Botulism Rabies
Brucellosis Ricin poisoning
Cholera Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Diphtheria Smallpox
Measles Staphylococcal enterotoxin B pulmonary poisoning
Melioidosis Staphylococcus aureus disease, reduced or resistant susceptibility to vancomycin
Meningococcal disease Syphilis, congenital
Outbreaks Tuberculosis
 ◦ foodborne (involving ≥ 2 persons) Tularemia
 ◦ institutional Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus infection
 ◦ unusual disease or illness Viral hemorrhagic fever
Plague Yellow fever


Category 2 Disease Reporting

1. Complete and submit a PD-23 within 12 hours.

2. Hospital IPs entering cases in CTEDSS satisfies the reporting requirement.

3. Diseases with specialized reporting forms are asterisked (*).

Category 2 Diseases

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Histoplasmosis
Acute flaccid myelitis HIV-1/HIV-2 infection
Anaplasmosis HPV: biopsy proven CIN 2, CIN 3, or AIS or their equivalent
Babesiosis Influenza-associated death
Blastomycosis Influenza-associated hospitalization
Blood lead ≥ 3.5μg/dL in pregnant persons Legionellosis
Borrelia miyamotoi disease Listeriosis
California group arbovirus infection Malaria
Campylobacteriosis Mercury poisoning
Candida auris Mpox
Chancroid Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)
Chickenpox (Varicella) Mumps
Chickenpox-related death Neonatal bacterial sepsis
Chikungunya Occupational asthma
Chlamydia (C. trachomatis) (all sites) Oropouche virus infection
COVID-19 death Pertussis
COVID-19 hospitalization Pneumococcal disease, invasive
Cronobacter in infants (<1 year) Powassan virus infection
Cryptosporidiosis Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) associated death
Cyclosporiasis RSV-associated hospitalization
Dengue Rubella (including congenital)
E-cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injury (EVALI) Salmonellosis
Eastern equine encephalitis virus infection Shiga toxin-related diseases (gasteroenteritis)
Ehrlichia chaffeensis infection Shigellosis
Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection Silicosis
Escherichia coli, invasive, in infants (<1 year) Spotted fever rickettsiosis
Gonorrhea* St. Louis encephalitis virus infection
Group A Streptococcal disease, invasive Syphilis*
Group B Streptococcal disease, invasive Tetanus
Haemophilus influenzae disease, invasive Trichinosis
Hansen’s disease (Leprosy) Typhoid fever
Healthcare-associated infections Vaccinia disease
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome Vibrio infection (V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, others)
Hepatitis A West Nile virus infection
Hepatitis B Zika virus infection
 ◦ acute infection
 ◦ HBsAg positive pregnant women
Hepatitis C
 ◦ acute infection
 ◦ perinatal infection
 ◦ positive rapid antibody test result

PD-23 Footnotes

  1. Report only to DPH.
  2. As described in the CDC case definition.
  3. Individual cases of “signicant unusual illness” are also reportable.
  4. Fax PD-23 to (959) 200-4751.
  5. Invasive disease: from sterile fluid (blood, CSF, pericardial, pleural, peritoneal, joint, or vitreous), bone, internal body sites, or other normally sterile site, including muscle.
  6. Report Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) as required by Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 19a-490o and 19a-215. Detailed instructions on the types of HAIs, facility types, locations and methods of reporting are available on the DPH website.
  7. On request from the DPH and if adequate serum is available, send serum from patients with HUS to the State Public Health Laboratory for antibody testing.
  8. Clinical sepsis and blood or CSF isolate obtained from an infant <3 days of age.

Specialized Reporting Forms & Fax Numbers

Chickenpox (Varicella) Report (860) 707-1905

HIV Case Report Form (860) 509-8237

Occupational Diseases Report (860) 730-8424

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (860) 730-8380

Tuberculosis Report Form (860) 730-8271

Vaping Lung Injury Case Report (860) 706-1262


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Last updated: 1/30/2025