CT DPH Data Transfer Page


All files are encrypted and password protected.


CT Occurrent Deaths:

The files below contain de-identified death records (age, sex, race/ethnicity, residence town/state, place of death type/town/state, and cause of death) for deaths that occurred in Connecticut.  Deaths to CT residents that occurred in other states are the governed by those states. Please contact each state's Vital Records office to request such data.  For a complete count of CT Resident and CT Occurrent deaths by year and month, visit our Vital Statistics / Registration Reports page. For historical crude death and age-adjusted mortality rates, visit our Mortality Statistics page.


Data Files:

  • Deaths for 2010-2020 are assumed complete.
  • Deaths for 2021-2022 remain provisional and will be updated periodically until final.
  • Files will be appended with a version date to indicate the date the file was extracted from the death registry.  Retain this version date as the death files will be revised regularly and changes in ICD-10 coding or demographic characteristics may affect your calculations and analyses. 
  • Death files are password protected.  Please complete a Data Request Form for access.

All references to 2021-2022 death data should note the data are PROVISIONAL as of the VERSION date.














* Includes deaths through April 2024 with some records still outstanding and some ICD-10 codes still pending.


* Data dictionary has been updated on 06/15/2023 for adding CEPR_RES, CEPR_RES_label, CEPR_OCC, Rankable_COD, Rankable_COD_label, and removing TOBAC and PREG_label.




     School Enrollment Studies:

     Birth Counts by Town of Residence (2010-present)_monthly_22JUL2024


     DPH provides updates to the file of birth totals by Connecticut town and month on quarterly basis (plus a 6-week delay to allow time for file completion and processing).

    Please send a completed Data Request Form by January 31st of each year for renewed access to file updates.
