The Connecticut Health Information Electronic Reporting System (CHIERS) is an interactive system that allows the user to create summary tables from select databases of Connecticut health data.


The current pilot-phase implementation of CHIERS provides access to birth registrations, newborn hearing screenings, childhood blood lead level screenings and population data for Connecticut residents. We expect to expand CHIERS in the future as time and resources allow.


Please review our tutorial to learn how to use the CHIERS system.  For other questions or further information about the CHIERS system, please visit our CHIERS Documentation page or contact us directly.



Access the CHIERS system





* CHIERS is the result of the collaborative efforts of staff from the Connecticut DPH Planning Branch, Public Health Initiatives Branch, and the Department’s Virtual Child Health Branch. We would also like to acknowledge the support of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) for freely sharing their software and for providing training and consultation.


Agreement compliance statement: The Connecticut Health Information and Electronic Reporting System (CHIERS) was developed by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and adopted by the State of Connecticut. The graphics were developed using gd by Thomas Boutell and the database by using the GNU database GDBM. This program cannot be copied in any form without the written permission of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.