Radar image of hurricane

What is a Hurricane?


 A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone. It is accompanied by thunderstorms and its winds move in a counterclockwise motion.  

All Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coast areas are subject to hurricanes and tropical storms. The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June to November with the peak season from Mid-August to late October. 

What is the RISK of Hurricanes in New England?

Southern New England is subject to all three hurricane threats:

  • Coastal flooding due to the storm surge.

  • Widespread wind damage.

  • Widespread inland small stream and river flooding due to heavy rains.

The strongest hurricanes, such as the great New England hurricane of 1938 and Hurricane Carol, have brought severe damage to coastal locations, while totally disrupting utility power for days across the interior from downed trees and high winds. Both the stronger hurricanes and many of the weaker tropical storms have caused inland river flooding in parts of the New England.

It is very important to prepare for a hurricane.  Learn what you can do:








CT Guide to Emergency Preparedness


For more information about emergency preparedness contact DPH's Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response at 860-509-8282