Connecticut TRAC
A Transportation & Civil Engineering Program      
City Planningline
Building Fun in Social Studies
What could be more fun than building your own city?   Learning something at the same time!  Lecture to students about the concepts of design, problem solving, critical thinking, and group decision making and there probably won’t be much of a response.  Show them these concepts using the TRAC PAC 2 City Planning module as a tool, and they'll be hooked.  Some might even go on to become City Palnners themselves.

While working with SimCity students:

  • Learn how to improve a city with poor zoning and transportation problems.
  • Work in teams to decide where to build roads, place utilities, and which neighborhoods to zone as industrial, commercial or residential.
  • Meet the challenges of cost, time, and potential natural disasters all while improving their citizens’ quality of life.
City Planning Manual (pdf 1.4mbs)