Project No. 135-301

South Stamford Accessibility & MNRR Bridge Replacement

Introduction and Purpose of Project

This project involves the proposed reconstruction of five railroad bridges in Stamford to help reduce congestion and eliminate bottlenecking at these crossings. The five bridges studied include: Greenwich Avenue, Atlantic Street, Canal Street, Elm Street, and U.S. Route 1 (East Main Street). The reconstruction of these bridges will allow for additional travel lanes for through and turning traffic within the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s right-of-way, and will accommodate plans for increased bus service and the potential construction of a streetcar transit system. These five locations also compliment operational improvements already being undertaken at adjacent locations under the Stamford Urban Transitway (SUT) project to improve mobility, provide smart growth, and enhance livability in Stamford.

Project Information
6/8/2011 Public Stakeholders Meeting Slide Show(PDF)
3/8/2012 Public Information Meeting Slide Show(PDF)
3/8/2012 Public Information Meeting Minutes(PDF)
Accelerated Project Delivery 12/18/12 Draft Report