Transportation Related Maps

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connecticut map

State Transportation Map


Pavement Management Map

Superpave Levels (pdf 29mb)


Minority, Low-Income, and Limited English Proficiency Maps and Charts (Statewide and by Service Area)


Traffic Maps

  • Average Daily Traffic (ADT)  -  Towns

HTML Link to Town Maps
Download  (DGN format)  
Historical Maps 2011 to 2013
Historical Maps 2008 to 2010
HTML Link to Town Maps
Historical Maps 2005 to 2007  
HTML Link to Town Maps
Historical Maps 2002 to 2004
  • Average Daily Traffic (ADT) - Expressways

  • Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Maps

Download PDF Maps


Bicycle Maps

District, Regional and Urban Maps  


Town Maps & Data


Miscellaneous Maps

  • Air Quality Designated Areas

  • Railroad Line Identification Maps
    (pdf format) Sizes are in inches.

  • Railroad Ownership and Service Maps

  • Functional Classification (FC) Maps