Proposed Parachute Jump Area Application


Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies
Sec. 15-41-42d. Parachute Jump Center

(a) License. A parachute jump center shall be required to have an annual license from the commissioner of transportation. A parachute jump center license may be issued by the commissioner of transportation if the following requirements are met:

(1) The designated drop zone shall be unobstructed and with a radial distance of at least the following for the various classes of jumpers:

Classification Round Canopy Ram Air Canopy
(A) Student parachutists 300 meters 100 meters*
(B) Class A license holders 200 meters 100 meters
(C) Class B & C license holders 100 meters 50 meters
(D) Class D license holders unlimited unlimited
*with ground to air communications to assist the student in canopy control.
(2) The parachute jump center operator shall ascertain that all parachutists and all instructors who use the parachute jump center are qualified as to experience, ability, responsibility and physical fitness in accordance with these regulations.

(3) Each parachute jump center shall maintain a master log book or other suitable record system which will reflect all jumps made daily at the parachute jump center.

(4) Manned surface-to-air communications, e.g. radios, panels, smoke, lights, must be present on the drop zone during parachuting operations. Before any parachute jump, the pilot of the aircraft must establish communications with the parachute jump center.

(5) A method of determining wind drift must be used which shall satisfy the commissioner of transportation. The winds aloft and at the surface shall be determined prior to conducting any parachute jump. The wind drift indicator must be of such construction that inadvertent landing off-site will cause no harm to person or property.

(6) A fee for the initial license to operate a parachute jump center shall be one hundred dollars. Such fee shall accompany the application for the license.

(7) The license for a parachute jump center will be issued annually after an applicant's request and subsequent satisfactory inspection by Department of Transportation. The fee for the renewal license to operate a parachute jump center shall be ten dollars and shall accompany the application.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Matthew Kelly
Bureau of Aviation & Ports
(860) 203-264-8010