Who We Are

Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Services:

  • Develop and implement the CTDOT’s non-discrimination policies and federal and state Affirmative Action/EEO Plans.
  • Ensure compliance with federal and state anti-discrimination laws.
  • Investigate claims of discrimination.
  • Provide training in the areas of inclusive leadership, cultural diversity, cultural sensitivity, and sexual harassment prevention.
  • Monitor all aspects of the employment process and ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within CTDOT, specifically appeals of employee reasonable accommodation requests (ADA Title I) and ADA Title II/Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • Work with CTDOT’s ADA Coordinating Engineer and ADA Coordinator for Public Transportation to assist with:
  • Handling ADA complaints
  • Responding to inquiries and concerns
  • Ensuring materials are available in alternate formats
  • Scheduling interpreters when requested.


Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Staff:

Eric D. Smith
, Equal Employment Opportunity Director
Email address: Eric.D.Smith@ct.gov
Phone: (860) 594-2211

Stephanie Hernandez, Executive Secretary
Email address: Stephanie.Hernandez@ct.gov
Phone: (860) 594-2213

Ada A. Alvarez, Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist 2
Email address: Ada.Alvarez@ct.gov
Phone: (860) 805-2585

Estiana Green, Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist 2
Email address:  Estiana.Green@ct.gov 
Phone: (860) 709-7586

Nisa Davey, Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist 2
Email address:  Nisa.Davey@ct.gov 
Phone: (860) 978-5767

Eileen Arias, Leadership Associate
Email address:  Eileen.Arias@ct.gov 
Phone: (860) 594-2214

Rachel O'Reilly, Leadership Associate
Email address:  Rachel.M.OReilly@ct.gov
Phone: (860) 594-3502