Highway Design - Local Roads - LOTCIP

Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program

The Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) provides State funds to urbanized area municipal governments in lieu of Federal funds otherwise available through Federal transportation legislation.  The LOTCIP is provided for in Section 74 of Public ACT 13-239, which can be viewed at http://www.cga.ct.gov/2013/act/pa/pdf/2013PA-00239-R00SB-00842-PA.pdf.  The LOTCIP is established with substantially fewer constraints and requirements than currently exist when using Federal Title 23 USC funds.

Please note that although the names are similar, this is a different program than the Local Capital Improvement Program (LoCIP), which is administered by the Office of Policy and Management.


Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Vitalij Staroverov, P.E.
Transportation Supervising Engineer
Phone:(860) 594-2582, FAX: (860) 594-3218
Email: Vitalij.Staroverov@ct.gov


LOTCIP Documents and Information

Guidelines for the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program   (PDF, revised November 2021, Web Version)

Guidelines for the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program   (PDF, revised November 2021, Printable Version)

What is LOTCIP?   (PowerPoint Presentation)

LOTCIP Application Form   (fillable PDF, please submit to: DOTLOTCIPapp@ct.gov)

Final Design Submission Forms

Final Design Submission Documentation and Certification Forms   (fillable PDF)

Reporting and Expenditure Forms

*NEW* Regional Quarterly Status Report Form   (Excel)

Other Documents

Sample Cost Estimate Form   (Excel)

Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel Needs Assessment Form   (fillable PDF)

Construction Contract Provisions   (State-funded only contracts; revised October 2023)

Final Materials Certification   (fillable PDF)

CON-501L   (PDF, 15 KB)

*NEW* Funding Program Sign Detail   (PDF, 87 KB)

Project Sign - Requirements for Construction and Installation   (DOC,  22 KB)

Pavement Design Tools:

LOTCIP Pavement Evaluation Checklist   (DOC,  37 KB)

Pavement Evaluation Form for Local Roads Programs   (Excel)

Supporting Information for Local Roads Programs   (PDF,  201 KB)

Archived Documents

March 2019 LOTCIP Guidelines   (superseded by November 2021 revisions)

March 2016 LOTCIP Guidelines   (superseded by March 2019 revisions)

November 2013 LOTCIP Guidelines   (superseded by March 2016 revisions)







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