Module 3 - Pavement Marking Base Modeling
In this module you will learn how to place Pavement Markings in a base model dgn file.
- Place Lines, Shapes and Cells
- Attach Item Types
- Edit Item Type Information
Before getting started you will need to complete Module 1 - Base Model Creation which will direct the user on how to properly create a geospatial base model.
1. In the TR_CB_1234_1234_PVT.dgn select the CTDOT workflow and click on the Traffic tab to access the integrated CTDOT standard tools on the Ribbon.
2. In the Pavement Marking section select the Open Symbols icon. The Pavement Marking Cell Library will open.
3. Select the needed cell and follow the prompts for placement. Note: If you use other tools associated with Element Templates make sure to set the Element Template back to Blank before placing another cell, this can be done by simply clicking the Open Symbols tool again.
4. In the Properties dialog box edit the Item_Description listed under PAY ITEM as required. The Item Description uses a pull-down menu, select the down arrow and search or select as needed. EPOXY RESIN PAVEMENT MARKINGS, SYMBOLS AND LEGENDS will be the default.
5. For Symbol Cells the Complete_Quantity_Override is set to YES. All cells are set to the square footage as shown on the CTDOT Standard Detail Sheets.
6. On the Pavement Marking tab select the Lines pull down and select a tool. Place a line to represent the Pavement Marking.
7. Select the newly placed line and in the Properties dialog box update the Template in the General section, go to Pavement Marking\PAY ITEM\... and select as required.
8. Scroll down to the bottom of the Properties dialog box and update the pay item as needed.
9. Place other Line Work, update the Templates and edit the pay items as needed.
Pavement Marking Item Types use the properties described below:
Description - User defined, type in as needed.
Item_Description - uses a pull-down menu, by selecting the down arrow in the Property Definition, and entering part of an Item Description a selection pick list will appear. Note: you can enter any word in the description, and it will filter regardless of the order.
Item_Number - uses a look up table and will update based on the selected Item_Description.
Unit - uses a look up table and will update based on the selected Item_Description.
Quantity - uses the following equations with the option of adding a manual amount if necessary.
- l.f. = Manually_Added_Quantity + Linear Element
- ea. = this.Manually_Added_Quantity +1
- s.f. = this.Manually_Added_Quantity + Area
- s.y. = this.Manually_Added_Quantity + Area /9
- acre = this.Manually_Added_Quantity + Area /43560
Complete_Quantity_Override - if set to Yes, the desired quantity will only use the Manually_Added_Quantity field and will disregard the graphical look up. If set to No, the desired additional Manually_Added_Quantity will be added to the graphical look up.
Manually_Added_Quantity - if no additional quantity is required leave this set to 0, any value added here will be added to the graphical look up in the Quantity field.
Notes - User defined, type in as needed.
PAY ITEM - PM Painted LineDescription - User defined, type in as needed.
Item_Description - uses a pull-down menu, by selecting the down arrow in the Property Definition, and entering part of an Item Description a selection pick list will appear. Note: you can enter any word in the description, and it will filter regardless of the order.
Item_Number - uses a look up table and will update based on the selected Item_Description.
Unit - uses a look up table and will update based on the selected Item_Description.
Paint_Factor- this is preset in the Element Template; the user can manually edit if needed.
Quantity - uses the following equations.
- l.f. = Length * this. Paint_Factor
- s.f. = Length * this. Paint_Factor
Notes - User defined, type in as needed.