Module 1 - Base Survey File Creation



In this module you will learn how to access OpenRoads Designer to create a new DGN file. Users will learn how to sign into the Bentley CONNECT Edition Client, dock the Explorer and Properties dialog box, and update the Geographic Coordinate System.

  • Learn how to sign into the Bentley CONNECT Edition Client to get the needed software license.
  • Learn how to access the Application to get the proper workspace to appear.
  • Learn how to create a DGN file from the proper seed file.
  • Learn how to update the Geographic Coordinate System.


Before attempting to open or create DGN files users should make sure the following is in place:

Create a Design File

1. Access OpenRoads through Accounting or the Customized Icon following Volume 1 - M.6.1 Accessing the Application (ct.gov).

2. Using the small drop-down arrows select the Workspace CT Survey English Workspace and the correct Workset. 

3. Select the New File Icon. In the New dialog box browse to the SVY_District folder.

4. The Seed file should be set to the Survey Workspace. If this is not the case, click on the Browse button to pick the seed file. 

To select a seed file browse to:

…CT_Configuration\Workspaces-Civil\CT Survey English WorkSpace\Standards\Seed

and select:

Seed3D - CT SurveyDesign.dgn

5. In the File name field enter a name for your file using the CTDOT File Naming structure.

Example: SV_D2_1234_1234_Ground TOPO - Terrain.dgn   

7. Select Save and the new file will open.

8. To Set up your Interface follow the steps in Volume 1 - M.6.2 Setting Up the Interface (ct.gov).

9. If it has been determined the survey is in NAD 27/NAVD 29 you will need to re-project your design file’s Geospatial Header, follow Volume 2 – Module 1 - Working with Geographic Coordinate Systems to complete this task.