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Connecticut Department of Transportation Joins National Campaign to Empower Passengers to Speak Up for Their Safety

National Passenger Safety Week is January 22-28, 2023

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is joining more than 60 traffic safety and advocacy groups nationwide to help encourage passengers to SPEAK UP. Roadway deaths in the United States are rising at an alarming rate. Reckless behaviors, speeding, impaired, and distracted driving are rising – and simply telling people to drive safely isn’t enough. 

“Passengers need to play a more active role in their safety and that of others,” said Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Designee Garrett Eucalitto. “CTDOT is participating in National Passenger Safety Week to remind passengers to be empowered to speak up when an unsafe driver threatens their lives.” 

National Passenger Safety Week is being held from January 22-28, 2023. We Save Lives and The National Road Safety Foundation launched the campaign last January. Passengers have a choice. By speaking up, passengers show they care about the lives of their friends and family members in their vehicle and the people in other vehicles and walking on the street. Choosing to intervene could save a life.

 “Passengers can set the ground rules when it comes to their safety. They have the power to keep drivers from using their mobile devices and being distracted while driving. They should not get in the car with an impaired driver, and they have the power to discourage other bad driving choices, such as speeding and driving drowsy,” added Eucalitto. 

The ongoing campaign aims to empower passengers to be safety advocates, to the point where it becomes acceptable – even expected – for passengers to SPEAK UP when confronted with an irresponsible driver. 

For more information about National Passenger Safety Week, please visit https://nationalpassengersafety.org/.


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