CTDOT Press Releases

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CTDOT to Upgrade Pedestrian Equipment on Route 17 in North Haven

CTDOT will upgrade the pedestrian facilities and pedestrian signal equipment at the intersection of Route 17 (Middletown Avenue) and Bernhard Road in North Haven, which will meet the latest federal guidelines. 

The design plans for this project are expected to be completed in the spring of 2024, with a tentative date for construction activities to begin in the spring of 2025.

“CTDOT is committed to improving safety and accessibility for all roadway users across Connecticut, including pedestrians and bicyclists,” said CTDOT Project Manager Gregory Palmer. “The new pedestrian equipment provided under this project will improve the crossing for all those visiting the Middletown Avenue Park and accessing the public transit system at the intersection.”

The intersection abuts Middletown Avenue Park, which is owned by the city of New Haven. However, impacts on the park will be minimal, as the upgrades at the intersection will be constructed in close proximity to the existing traffic control signal equipment.

An easement is required from New Haven for park property, encompassing only the area necessary for sidewalk ramp construction and the installation of pedestrian signal and push button equipment. These activities will not adversely affect any of the features of the park. The impacts on the park will be limited to only the ground disturbance necessary for installing traffic signal equipment and constructing sidewalk ramps near existing equipment and facilities. It is anticipated that Middletown Avenue Park will remain open during construction.

Residents, business owners, and other interested individuals can contact Gregory Palmer at (860) 594-2748) or Gregory.Palmer@ct.gov with any questions, comments, or concerns by May 1, 2023. Please refer to State Project No. 0173-0519. 


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