CTDOT Press Releases

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Public Informational Meeting Routes 10 and 322 and Bridge Work in Southington and Cheshire

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will conduct a Virtual Public Information Meeting concerning “Intersection Improvements on Route 10 & 322, Removal of Bridge 00518 and Replacement of Bridges 00646 & 05753, in the towns of Southington and Cheshire,” on Monday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m.   The meeting will be live streamed via Microsoft Teams Live Event and YouTube Live. A Question and Answer session will immediately follow the presentation.  The presentation will be recorded. Instructions on how to access the meeting and on how to provide comments or ask questions can be found at the project webpage:


The live stream of the formal presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m.

The project is identified as State Project No. 0131-0190.

The purpose of the project is to remove or replace structurally deficient and/or functionally obsolete bridges and improve intersection geometry.  This project involves the removal of Bridge No. 00518, which carries Route 10 over Route 322, and the construction of a new at-grade intersection between those two roadways.

Originally, Bridge No. 00518 was recommended for replacement.  A traffic study completed in 2004 concluded that an at-grade intersection would effectively accommodate the traffic volumes, therefore, the bridge could be removed.  Approximately 1,525 feet of Route 10 will be reconstructed by this project.  The proposed Route 10 horizontal alignment follows the existing horizontal alignment.  The Route 10 profile will be lowered to meet Route 322 at-grade.  Bridge No. 00646 (Route 10 over the Ten Mile River) is a concrete arch culvert that was constructed in 1936.  As a result of lowering the Route 10 profile, the fill over this structure will be reduced from 9 feet to 2 feet.  Due to the age of this structure and the risk of damaging it during construction, it was decided that Bridge No. 00646 would be replaced.  Approximately 950 feet of Route 322 will be reconstructed by this project.  The proposed Route 322 horizontal alignment follows the existing horizontal alignment.  The profile is proposed to be raised approximately 3 feet to be above the 100-year flood plain.  Bridge No. 05753 (Route 322 over Ten Mile River) is being replaced, as it has been determined to be structurally deficient.  Approximately 550 feet of Old Turnpike Road will be reconstructed by this project.  The proposed horizontal alignment of Old Turnpike Road will be modified to provide an improved geometry at the Route 10/Old Turnpike Road intersection.  The proposed profile closely follows the existing profile.  New traffic signals are proposed at the Route 10/Route 322, the Route 322/ Old Turnpike Road and the Route 10/Old Turnpike Road intersections.  Sidewalks are proposed throughout the project.

There are right-of-way impacts associated with the proposed improvements including 6 partial takes, 8 slope easements, 2 drainage rights-of-way, and numerous rights to reconstruct driveways.


Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2024, based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way, and approval of permit(s).  The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $10 million.  This project is anticipated to be undertaken with eighty percent (80%) Federal funds and twenty percent (20%) State funds.


The public informational meeting is being held to provide the public and local community the opportunity to offer comments or ask questions regarding the proposed project.  Persons with limited internet access may request that project information be mailed to them by contacting Jeffrey Pfaffinger, P.E., Project Manager, by email at jeffrey.pfaffinger@ct.gov or by phone at (860) 594-2767. (Allow one week for processing and delivery.)


Individuals with limited internet access can listen to the meeting by calling (888) 566-5916 and entering the Participant Code when prompted: 9977843.  Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS).  The MS Teams Live Event offers closed-captioning for the hearing impaired and non-English translation options.  A recording of the formal presentation will be posted to YouTube following the event and closed-captioning (including non-English translation options) will be available at that time.  The recording will also be available in the list of DOT virtual public meetings here: https://portal.ct.gov/dot/general/CTDOT-VPIM-Library  Visit the project webpage for options for Apple users.  During the Q&A session and the 14-day comment period that follows the meeting, individuals may leave a question or comment via email (preferred) at DOTProject131-190@ct.gov.  Individuals may also leave a voicemail question or comment by calling (860) 944-1111. Please reference Project 131-190 in your voicemail.


Language assistance may be requested by contacting the Department’s Language Assistance Call Line, (860) 594-2109.  Requests should be made at least 5 business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.



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