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CTDOT Announces the New Mix Program, a Long-Term Initiative to Plan for the Future of the ‘Mixmaster’ Interchange

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) announced it is using the Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) process as part of the New Mix Program to plan for the long-term future of the I-84 and Route 8 interchange, commonly referred to as the “Mixmaster.”


Through the New Mix Program, CTDOT will analyze and weigh various reconstruction options and develop an actionable plan to modernize and improve the safety and functionality of the interchange.  Due to its size and complexity, reconstruction of the Mixmaster interchange is likely to occur in phases over many years. Through the PEL process, the New Mix Program will identify breakout projects, which are intended to not only complement and advance the overall program, but also be more manageable in terms of funding and traffic impacts during construction. CTDOT is currently undertaking a separate Rehabilitation Project to extend the Mixmaster’s lifespan by approximately 25 years.


The New Mix program is beginning to identify the needs and deficiencies of the existing interchange. With input from the public and stakeholders, a Preliminary Purpose and Need statement and Program Goals and Objectives document will be established and used to evaluate various design concepts. The first public meeting for the New Mix Program is scheduled for later this spring. The date and time will be announced soon.


The Mixmaster, a highly complex interchange which was originally designed to handle roughly 100,000 vehicles per day, now carries almost 200,000 per day on multiple stacked structures that are all over 50 years old. Planning for the future of the Mixmaster interchange is an immense undertaking which will require ample amounts of time for planning, design, and construction.


Learn more about the project, ask questions and leave comments, and sign up for email updates, including notice of upcoming public meetings, by visiting


Individuals can also follow the New Mix Program on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


CTDOT may adopt or incorporate Planning Products from this PEL Study into a federal or state environmental review process, pursuant to Title 23 U.S.C. § 168(d)(4).

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