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MTAC and Berkshire Energy Depot to buy Meals for Truck Drivers

The Motor Transport Association of Connecticut (MTAC) and Berkshire Energy Depot will be purchasing meals for commercial truck drivers on Friday, May 15 at the I-91 Southbound rest area in Wallingford, MTAC announced today. MTAC president Joe Sculley said that he and a representative from Berkshire will be at the rest area beginning at about 12pm to buy food from Chris and Roy’s food truck.

“MTAC is pleased to be able to host a second one of these events where we can show some appreciation for our truck drivers who have been working throughout this pandemic, directly responding to our country’s critical needs,” Joe Sculley said.

MTAC had previously hosted an event at the North Stonington rest area on May 6. The rest areas are owned and maintained by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT).

Sculley pointed out that Berkshire Energy Depot (exit 8 off of Interstate 91) is owned by Jim Vitali, who is a member of the MTAC Board of Directors.

“I’m proud to be able to have our company put some money towards showing our commercial truck drivers just how important they are to our nation’s economy,” said Jim Vitali.

Joe Sculley concluded by praising truck drivers – who cannot work from home – for their hard work to refill our grocery store shelves, and get equipment and supplies to hospitals and pharmacies, during this public health emergency.

“The Connecticut Department of Transportation is happy to support this effort for the men and women who are picking up and delivering food, fuel and other essential goods around the state,” said CTDOT Commissioner Joe Giulietti. “I applaud the Motor Transport Association of Connecticut for spearheading the food truck initiative at our DOT rest areas.”

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