You Are Invited To A


Public Informational Meeting


State Project No. 300-102

Proposed Rehabilitation of Metro-North Railroad Bridge No. 01302R

over State Route 106 (Old Stamford Road)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall Auditorium

77 Main Street

New Canaan, Connecticut

Residents, commuters and other

interested parties are encouraged to take advantage

of this opportunity to discuss this project.

Plans will be available for review as of October 19, 2005

at the following location:

Town Hall – Clerk’s Office

77 Main Street

New Canaan, Connecticut

Department Representatives will be available after the

presentation for an informal question and answer session.

The Connecticut Department

of Transportation

Project Description

State Project No. 300-102

Abutment Slope Stabilization of Metro-North Railroad

Bridge No. 01302R over

Old Stamford Road (Rte. 106), New Canaan

            Bridge No. 01302R carries the New Canaan Branch of Metro-North Railroad over Old Stamford Road (Rte. 106), New Canaan.

            This open deck bridge was constructed in 1906 and consists of a single 55’-0” long riveted built-up girder-floorbeam-stringer span. The superstructure is supported by two abutments, stone masonry at the south and cast-in-place concrete at the north. Both abutments are founded on ledge with a concrete protective coating. The bridge is currently posted for a minimum vertical clearance of 11’-3” with a field measured minimum vertical clearance of 11’-6”.

            The structure carries a single track of the Metro-North New Canaan Branch.  Recent bridge inspections have revealed weathering at the exposed ledge under the southwest wingwall. This is causing the rock to fracture and fall away undermining the base of the wingwall. The other wingwalls are also showing signs of deterioration with stone ballast falling into the roadway below because they are too short. Improving the substructure’s integrity through rehabilitation of all wingwalls is the purpose of this project.

Proposed Rehabilitation

            The project involves slope stabilization at all four wingwalls with no road improvements. This proposed rehabilitation will stabilize the exposed ledge and repair or replace the wingwalls to hold back railroad ballast.

Estimated Construction cost :$ 700,000

Design Completion Date:    12/28/05

Notice to Proceed            :     7/17/06

Construction Completion:   11/30/07