The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing periodic nighttime closures of Interstate 84 and Route 8 ramps with signed detours between July 18 and July 29, 2022. The project consists of installing ultra-thin bonded PMA on Interstate 84 and Route 4. Other upgrades include miscellaneous bridge deck rehabilitations, centerline rumble strips on Route 4 and minor intersection upgrades at Interstate 84 Eastbound, Exit 17 & 18 Off-Ramps.
DOT Project No. 0174-0455 was awarded to Tilcon Connecticut, Inc. at a cost of $8,302,100.60 on April 30, 2022 and is scheduled to be completed November 18, 2022. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 4 in Thomaston.
Beginning the week of July 18 through July 29, 2022, the ramps mentioned above with be periodically closed between the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM. One or two lanes along I-84 will also be closed to traffic while nighttime work is underway. All lanes will be reopened and operational during peak traffic hours. All work is weather dependent.
When ramp closures are present, a signed detour will be in place to aid the traveling public.
Route 8 NB Exit 33 to 84 WB: motorists should take Exit 35, utilize the “U Turn” to Route 8 Southbound to Exit 33 (Route 8 Southbound Off Ramp to 84 Westbound).
84 EB Exit 20 to Route 8 NB*: motorists should take Exit 19, bear to the right of the exit ramp towards Highland Avenue, turn right onto Highland Avenue, turn left onto Sunnyside Avenue, left onto Riverside Street, right onto Freight Street then turn left onto Route 8 NB Ramp.
84 EB Exit 17 Off Ramp: motorists should take Exit 18, right onto Chase Parkway, right onto Chase Parkway, left onto Chase Parkway, right onto Route 64 and left onto Route 63.
84 EB Exit 17 On Ramp: motorists should take a left onto Chase Parkway prior to the on ramp, right onto Chase Parkway, left onto Chase Parkway and left onto Exit 18 On Ramp to 84 EB.
84 EB Exit 18 Off Ramp: motorists should take Exit 19, bear to the right of the exit ramp towards Highland Avenue, turn right onto Sunnyside Avenue, continue straight to Chase Parkway.