Office of Finance

The Office of Finance directs and coordinates the activities of the Capital Services Division, the Financial Management and Support Division, and the Budget Services Division, to provide the business and financial support, budgeting, accounting, accounts receivable, and federal and State funding management necessary to meet the needs of CTDOT; and also coordinates with the Treasurer's Office, the Office of Policy and Management, and the State Bond Counsel on all Special Transportation bond issuances.


The Capital Services Division programs and schedules all State and federal capital project funds in support of highway and transit projects; initiates, modifies, and seeks funding allotments for these projects; and requests reimbursement of funds from participating federal agencies. It is responsible for tracking current utilization of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), State Bond and Highway Bridge and Renewal funding, for strategic planning and preparation of multi-year capital financial plans, analysis, and reports and is also responsible for preparation of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), biennial capital budget requests, and coordination with the Regional Planning Agencies.

The administration of all aspects of the FTA grant process including applications, amendments, budget revisions, coordination and monitoring of DOT compliance with FTA policies and programs are also performed in this area. Project budgeting needs, as identified by project engineers and managers, are compiled and the resulting bond allotments and federal-aid allotments are obtained and recorded in individual project-activity budgets. Federal billings to FHWA, FTA, Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Homeland Security are also prepared in this area in order to secure reimbursement of federal funding. Lastly the Capital Services area is also responsible for ensuring the timely close-out of federal-aid projects and the quarterly submittal of project status reports to the appropriate federal agencies.


The Financial Management and Support Division provides financial monitoring, support, and contractual oversight to CTDOT's operating (non-fiscal) units, including, financial services for construction-related activities, including construction contractor payments, consultant inspection financial oversight, general purchase order and payroll-related assistance, and construction project budget management. The division is also responsible for the accounting and administrative functions associated with the acquisition of real property on all transportation projects, as well as the leasing and sale of State land. This includes the creation, processing, and approval of budgets, purchase orders, and the review, recordkeeping, and processing of consultant, appraisal and land payments. The Division provides financial support for all engineering design and public and private utilities, and also provides accounting and budget services for both the testing of materials and environmental services. In the Public Transportation area the Division is responsible for all accounting functions associated with FTA/Transit/Rail operating and capital services, including the creation, processing, and approval of budgets, purchase orders, project close-outs, FTA grant close-outs, billings, quarterly deposits, federal and project reporting, and is also responsible for the financial review of all vendor invoices and the audit coordination for those contracts.

* Download the New Invoice Summary and Processing (ISP) Form *


The Budget Services Division, comprised of the Budget Development and Control Unit, Revenue Accounting Unit, and the CTDOT Core-CT Support Unit, is responsible for coordination of CTDOT's biennial Operating Budget Request and Options submittals; directing various Transportation Fund accounting functions, including budget management, payroll monitoring, expenditure corrections, accounts receivable, revenue accounting and financial reporting; and providing CTDOT with support services related to its use of the state’s Core-CT system.

In the budget area, it is responsible for the development and coordination of the Department’s biennial current services Operating Budget Request, reduction/expansion options, and midterm adjustments; administration of the Transportation Fund operating budget, including CTDOT Request for Allotment of Appropriations (B-1); detailed distribution of Personal Services and Other Expenses budgets to individual offices for non-project related functions and programs. This area also provides financial services for the Bureau of Highway Operations’ maintenance-related activities, including general purchase order and payroll-related assistance, snow and ice reporting, vendor-in-place financial oversight, and budget management and reporting services; provides operating budget financial oversight and purchase order approval for Policy & Planning, Engineering & Construction, Materials Management and various other offices; and verifies funding for CTDOT agreements/construction contracts. The division also coordinates the review and approval of journal entries, to adjust the financial records of CTDOT as required; establishes and implements CTDOT procedures for calculation of additive rates; monitors Core-CT payroll expenditures; and is responsible for the preparation of certain financial reports and statements on the fiscal activity of CTDOT, including the annual Town Aid Road Grant Report, and monthly Comparison of Revenue Report, Operating Budget Report and Comprehensive Financial Status Report.

Revenue related responsibilities involve the billing, collection, and deposit of Transportation Fund operating and non-operating revenues and reimbursement of expenditures due CTDOT. This includes the billing of demand deposits, final audit amounts due, property damage, outdoor advertising permits, encroachment permits, leases for Rail and Highway property, inter-agency transfers, and various miscellaneous amounts due the Department; and ensuring that all cash received by CTDOT is deposited and recorded within 24 hours of receipt. The division maintains accounts receivable balances for all non-federal accounts of CTDOT in Core-CT.

The CTDOT Core-CT Support Unit provides CTDOT with technical support services related to Core-CT, the State’s integrated Human Resources, Payroll and Financial system. This includes daily user support as well as assisting with the financial and human resources reporting needs of CTDOT's Bureau; acting as a liaison between CTDOT and the central Core-CT Team; and providing oversight, as needed, of outside resources responsible for analyzing, modifying, and providing other technical support related to DOT-specific Core-CT functions. The Unit coordinates Core-CT activities within CTDOT; provides and/or coordinates Core-CT user training for CTDOT employees; and ensures that Core-CT policies and security procedures established by the Office of the State Comptroller are properly followed.


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