0094-0267 VPIM ROMproject home button

Welcome to the webpage for Project 0094-0267, Gold Star Memorial Bridge – Shared Use Path/Pedestrian Improvements, in the
Cities of New London and Groton.

A Public Information Meeting (PIM) was held for the project on June 24, 2024.

The Public Meeting Notices can be viewed here: English / Spanish.

A recording of the meeting is available on this YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrcBMizOIUA

The Report of Meeting from the Public Information Meeting can be found here

The Presentation can be viewed here

The public comment period is open through July 8th, 2024. If you would like to leave a comment or ask a question, please send us an email or leave a voicemail within the comment period. The project email and phone will be open to receive comments or questions through the comment period.

Project Email: DOT.GoldStarBridgeProjects@ct.gov

Phone(860) 594-2020(Please be sure to reference the project in your voicemail.)

Other Information Available to the Public:

Voluntary Feedback Survey 

DOT Office of Equity – Title VI Program

MS-4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems