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March 3, 2025 Labor and Public Employees Committee, SB 831


Public Hearing Testimony of
Danté Bartolomeo
Department of Labor
Labor and Public Employees Committee
March 4, 2025

Good Morning Senator Kushner, Representative Sanchez, Senator Sampson, Representative Weir and members of the Labor and Public Employees Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with written testimony regarding SB 831: AN ACT CONCERNING ADVANCED NOTICE OF AN EMPLOYEE'S WORK SCHEDULE TO CERTAIN EMPLOYEES. My name is Danté Bartolomeo, and I am the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Labor.

SB 831 would prohibit on-call shift scheduling in certain industries and occupations, therefore providing certainty and reliability to workers who have personal responsibilities outside of their employment. This bill covers a large population of employers and employees in the wholesale and retail sale industry, as well as occupations within the restaurant industry, nursing or residential care facilities, and hotel, motel, and resort facilities.

Section 8 of SB 831 establishes a private right of action which would allow employees to “…file a complaint in the Superior Court to recover compensatory damages, civil penalties and such equitable and injunctive relief as the court deems appropriate.”. However, CTDOL will still have responsibilities under this bill. If SB 831 is codified in chapters 557 or 558 of Title 31 of the Connecticut General Statutes, CTDOL’s Wage and Workplace Standards Division (WWSD) would be required to issue civil penalties for any violation.

Therefore, SB 831 would greatly increase the number of complaints and resulting investigations required of WWSD, an already overburdened division, necessitating a fiscal impact on this legislation.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide the Committee with this written testimony. My staff and I are reachable to further discuss SB 831 by directing any questions you may have to Billy Taylor, Legislative and Administrative Advisor at or 203-947-4136.


Connecticut Department of Labor
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer