DMHAS Regulations
Sec. 17a-450a. Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Successor to the Department of Mental Health and to the addiction services component of the former Department of Public Health and Addiction Services.
(c) Any order or regulation of the Department of Mental Health or the addiction services component of the Department of Public Health and Addiction Services that is in force on July 1, 1995, shall continue in force and effect as an order or regulation of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services until amended, repealed or superseded pursuant to law. Where any order or regulation of the departments conflict, the Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services may implement policies and procedures consistent with the provisions of public act 95-257* while in the process of adopting the policy or procedure in regulation form, provided notice of intention to adopt the regulations is printed in the Connecticut Law Journal within twenty days of implementation. The policy or procedure shall be valid until the time final regulations are effective.
DMHAS and PSRB Regulations
Reporting of Statistics by Private Facilities |
DMH Sec.17-191(1-10) |
Boarding Homes for Mental Patients |
DMH Sec.17-205a (1-3) |
Transportation of Mentally Ill or Alcohol Dependent Persons |
DMH Sec.17-210a (1-52) |
Rules of Practice |
DMH Sec.17-210a(p) (1-4) |
Duties of the Commissioner of Mental Health |
DMH Sec.17-215 (1-7) |
DMH Sec.17-225 (1-5) |
Certification Standards for Mental Health Facilities |
DMH Sec.17-226b (1-7) |
Minimum Standards for Eligibility to Receive State Funds |
DMH Sec.17-226c (1-17) |
Regional Mental Health Planning Councils |
ADAC Sec. 17-226d (1-11) |
Minimum Standards of Eligibility for Commission Funding
for Private Nonprofit Organizations and Municipalities
DMH Sec.17-226l (1-9) |
Regional Mental Health Boards |
DMH Sec.17a-451(c) (1-5) |
Personal Data |
DMHAS Sec.17a-451(t) (1-15) |
Fair Hearing Policy |
DMHAS Sec.17a-453a (1-19) |
General Assistance Behavioral Health Program |
DMHAS Sec.17a-543(i) (1-3) |
Treatment by Prayer Alone |
PSRB Sec.17a-581 (1-59) |
General Operations and Procedures |
ADAC Sec.17a-636 (1-62) |
Hearing Procedures for Contested Cases |
ADAC Sec.17a-647 (1-9) |
Group Homes for Recovering Substance Abusers |